Normal Start To My Life

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"ADRIANA, GET UP!!!!" I heard my stepdad yell. I groaned in response and rolled off my daybed. Time for another day at school AKA h*ll. It was a nice day in spring so I decided to wear a something casual. And by casual I mean my normal outfit: tshirt, shorts, jacket and sometimes a hat. I wore my black Batman shirt under my jacket left my room showing off my Batman pride with batman backpack, shoes, phone case, etc. (A/N: Not including the jewelry.)

I made my way into the kitchen and had some Cheerios for breakfast

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I made my way into the kitchen and had some Cheerios for breakfast. I left the house with my batman skateboard and rode to the Keybros house while texting them.

Batman(Me): Mornin', Keybros.

Devan: Mornin', Batman.

Collins: Mornin', Batman, what up?

B: Nothing much. Y'all?

D: Not much 4 us either.

C: Except newer and MORE AMAZING VIDEOS!!!! 🤩😁😃😆😄

B: Alright, who got Collins hyped on sugar?


D: Collins, did u just fall down the stairs???

C: YEP!!

B: O God...🤦‍♀️

D: U read my mind Batman. Lol.

B: Aye. BTW, I'm near ur place. Y'all ready?

C: Yep.. ugh, sugar crash.


D: I'm just over here like: 0-0 I'll just hide in the shadows.

C: Lol.

B: I'M HERE!!!!!!! Gtg, so we can go 2 school AKA death.

D: Kk, baiiiiiiii, see u soon!

C: Ditto!^


I tucked my phone in my jacket pocket and waited next to their door. I clicked my tongue and then they FINALLY (A/N: Yes, I am this dramatic) opened the door. "Collins, Devan!!!" I said hugging them. "Batman!!" They said in unison hugging back. When pulled apart we all walked to school. Middle school is honestly the WORST! We're all in the 6th grade and all have Dyslexia and ADHD. Anyway, once we got to school we say the "Retards of the Century" group walk by. Honestly, they act like their so much better than everyone.  Seriously, they're just so.... UGH!!!!! SWEAR WORDS! "BATMAN, DEVAN, COLLINS!!" Shouted a voice. Ah, the highlight of my day. My bestie Shanon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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