Chapter 12: Forgive Me

Start from the beginning

"You too."

We then sat in silence until there was a knock on the door. Dean got up to check who it was. "Brooke it's for you." he yelled. I got up and headed to the door. It was Randy. I cracked the door open a bit so Seth couldn't see.

"What do you want?"

"Look I saw you have a match aganst Eva tonight and I just wanted to wish you luck. Cody told me he saw you walk in here."

"Randy, what happened to a break."

"Brooke I love you and I know you love me."

"Now is not the time Randy." I said.

"Okay fine but we need to talk soon. Just make sure you leave your personal life out of the match and just do it for the fans."

"Okay but no promises."

I started to close the door but he stopped it with his hand. "Brooke I'm not kidding, just please don't do anything you'll regret.". I opened the door and walked out of the room shutting the door and leaning on it. "Randy, you know what you did and I don't think I can pretend it didn't happen."


"Why not?"

"I still haven't forgotten what Seth did."

"I'm not Seth. Don't you remember all the fun we've had in the 4 months we've been together. All the times I protected you from those creeps and comforted you the nights when you were hurt."

"Of course I remember and I wouldn't trade any of those moments for the world."

"Then lets have more of those moments." I said. I leaned in to kiss her but she opened the door and walked in shutting it in my face. I punched the door and I leaned my head against it to hear what was going on inside.

"Who was that?" I heard Seth ask.

"Nobody, so what happened while I was gone," she replied.

"Brooke you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah Seth"

"Ummm well John beat Alberto and now Aj and Alicia are fighting."

"Oh two diva matches in one night awsome."

"Brooke I need to talk to you alone."

I heard footsteps coming near the door so I ran and hid behind a storage box. I saw Dean walk out with a smirk on his face. Once I couldn't see him anymore I walked back to the door listening in.

"Brooke I'm really sorry I left you that day at the pool and I've spent every day regretting it. I was only with Eva because I saw how you were with Randy and I was trying to fill a broken heart."

I took my ear off the door and chuckled at how cheesy he was being. I then resumed.

"Yeah Seth I hear you and it's okay. It's just with Randy and all that stuff I'm not sure I'm ready to start a new relationship."

"I get it Brooke, I really like you, and I hope we can get closer."

"Yeah me too."

I took my ear off the door and I was furious. I didn't turn my back on her. I just didn't pull out of a kiss. She can forgive him but not me. We've been together 4 months. I can't believe it. She's going to regret this one day, then she's going to be crawling back to me. I love her still but I am so angry. I can't wait to get my revenge on Seth tonight during my match. I saw a stagehand coming over and I hid again. They knocked on the door and said, "Brooke gorilla now."

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