I did not have to put up with his crap. He could find his own ride.


The school day went by rather slowly.

I took a test, turned in some homework, feel asleep during a lecture. The norm (I guess).

When I walked into fifth period Biology ll class, I noticed I finally had table buddie.


When he saw me step into the classroom, he smiled and waved at me from his seat.

"Are you in this class," he asked, as I settled into the seat next to him.

"Nope. I just thought I would come sit beside you before class," I said bitterly.

"Woah. Okay. You have a little sass this morning," he laughed. Then his face turned solemn and he asked, "Have you been having a bad day?"

I let out a big breath and ran a hand through my wavy hair.

"Yeah. Sorry for being snappy. Cal and I had an argument this morning and I'm pretty sure he's still mad at me because he hasn't even looked in my direction.''

Noland tensed up a little, but quickly relaxed again and leaned forward in his chair.

"I wouldn't take it too seriously. He's a guy and we normally can't even remember to tie out shoes so he will probably get over it pretty soon," he said, with an easy smile on his face.

I nodded my head in agreement (like I knew anything about guys) and decided to change topics.

"So why are you in this class now?"

"Oh, yeah. My schedule was changed so I was moved into this class period. The teacher told me this seat was empty and lucky me, you sat in the seat beside me," he said, smiling at me.


"Yeah. Johnny kinda scared away any classmates wanting to sit beside me so the seat has been empty since the beginnning of the school year,'' I said shrugging my shoulders.

I looked back at the big guy and saw him staring at the back of Noland's head, as if challenging Noland to turn around and look at him.

I quickly turned back around and looked at Noland.

There was just something about him that drew me in. He wasn't some pretty boy that you could find in an abercrombie ad, yet I was attracted to him like i've never been attracted to anyone before.

Maybe part of the reason was because he was so real. I've met loads of hot guys, but I could never tell who was genuinely nice and who was faking it. I was too scared of getting hurt to try dating any of them or crushing on them for that matter

Noland was different though. I felt like the risk was worth it, even though I knew nearly nothing about him.

Maybe it was the way his eyes squinted when he smiled, or how his hair was always perfectly messy, yet styled.

Could anyone's nose be more perfect?

I studied his side profile a little longer until I heard my name being called.


"Huh," I said, sitting up straight.

I realized Noland was the one calling my name which meant he had probably caught me staring at him.

"You okay there? You kinda zoned out there for a moment," he said with a smirk.

He deffinitely caught me staring at him. Fan-freaking-tastic.

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