Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was sitting on pins and needles waiting for my turn to audition. Selene had jumped at the opportunity to go first all the while shooting daggers at me from her eyes. More like she jumped at the opportunity to rub in my face how great she did and how much they loved her.

I really hated her.

Finally, a lifetime later, Selene emerged from behind the closed doors with a smirk aimed right at me.

"Don't choke," she told me in passing, her hair swooshing behind her.

"I won't," I growled, then mentally scolded myself.

I won't? Really?

I took one last deep breath and walked through the big, double doors. There was a small panel of crew members sitting behind a long desk, with Felic Cassano right along side them. He winked at me as the man at the end of the table directed me to where I should go.

"Please state your name and the part you are trying out for."

I nodded and began.

"I'm Rory Pinnock and I will be trying out for the part of Isabella."

"Mr. Stamm," the man called, "Could you please come assume your role?"

I looked to my right and saw Andrew step out of the shadows. I almost couldn't hold in my laughter when I saw what he was wearing: Khaki shorts, a button up shirt with Hawaiian flowers, and a pair of tan Sperrys. Don't get me wrong, he could totally pull it off, but he was wearing them on purpose.

I once told him that the day we dated would be the day I dressed up as one of those hula girls from Hawaii.

In the part of the script I was reciting today, Isabella, the character that I was trying out for, tries to get Donny, Andrew's role, to understand that she has to break up with him and leave. He wants her to stay, but she says she must get away and find herself.

Yes, it's super cheesy and sounds even worse when I put it like that, but that's what sells these days. That and superhero movies.

Andrew was creative, I'd give him that, but there was no way I was dressing up on this account.

"Mr. Stamm, if you could start whenever Ms. Pinnock is ready."

Andrew looked at me and gave a subtle thumbs up to which I smiled and nodded to.

It's show time.

"Isabella, do you not understand how I feel," Andrew replied right on queue with just as much fevor as I imagined. Man, he was good.

"I understand that I can't take this much more. Us. I need to get away from here and I can't do that when I'm always with you. I'm sorry." My voice broke on the last word and I had to stop myself from grinning like a maniac.

I made my voice break on cue! I had been working on that specifically for the last few hours.

"Please," Andrew cupped his left hand on my cheek and I had to step back.

Here comes the big monologue.

"I can't do this Donny. Please let me find myself before you look for me..."

I recited the emotional passage with sadness and yes, a few tears.

I finally uttered the last word and then stood there, letting the moment sink in. I turned back to the panel and nodded my head to let them know I was finished.

I glanced around the panel, but they all had blank faces. They gave away nothing.

"Ms. Pinnock," the lead guy on the panel stood up, "I know this is unconventional, but we will have our decision in just a few moments. If you could please step outside and send in Ms. Dorwick that would be wonderful"

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