"Does everyone know who I am?"

"Duh, you are the it thing to talk about right now." Jessica said as a matter of fact.

"I guess so, soup was spilt on me an hour ago."

"Not just that, I mean you are changing this school." Tara grabbed my hand. "you are the chang we need." She could see in my eyes I didn't follow. "you are a girl who is on the football team. In the passed when a girl wanted to do anything with sports they made her do cheer or track. But you are fighting back."

"How did you do it?" Jessica asked.

"My dad used to go to this school. And Coach Kemp was at first hesitant but he gave me a shot."

"And that was all you needed."

"Pretty much."

"Queen." They said together.

"No." I laughed.

"Well see about that." They winked.

"Are you sure y'all aren't twins?"

They just winked back at me.


After practice I took a longer shower turned as cold as I could stand. My legs were burning. I was still mad about my shirt. I can't let him get to me like that. I can't let anyone get to me like that. I have to be stronger. I will not bend.

When I get to my car I see that someone has slashed my tires.

"What's wrong?" I hear someone ask. I turn around to see Trever, a player. I can't remember what he does. Water boy? That sounds pretty close.

"It seems as though someone slashed my tires." I take out my phone.

"What- what are you doing?" he asks a bit scared. 

"Calling the cops."


"Its illegal to destroy someone else's property." His face turns sickly pale.

A guy in back starts walking towards us in the now empty parking lot. As the huge guy comes closer Trever runs off.

"What did you do to the poor water boy?" the guy I don't recognize asks me.

He steps forward so that there is nothing between us and my back is against my car. My heart pounds and I swallow it down. He grabs my wrist and I start screaming but hand is slammed over my mouth. He drags me to the boy's locker room and throws me on the sticky, gross floor. Before I can do fight back he tapes my mouth closed. within seconds my wrist my legs are taped up tightly. I am picked up and thrown into a looker. The door is slammed shut. I hear the lock on the locker close. Then the lights go out. I am alone locked in a locker.

My heart is pounding even harder. Today is Friday meaning no one will come back her until Monday. Fear strikes me hard. My body starts to shake. I have never cried at school before but I don't care at the moment. I start crying as I pray that someone will find me.

The tears stop. I feel thirsty and tired. I can't let myself fall asleep. I part my lips as much as the duct tape will allow me to. I use my tongue to moisten the sticky. It tastes bad but you know survival and stuff.  Finally, I get it off, it hangs off one side of my cheek. I start screaming from help. I try the same method I used for my mouth on my hands but I couldn't get a good angle.

After a few minutes of screaming I realize that no one can hear me. I gather up my strength and throw my side into the metal door. Nothing was accomplished except hurting the side of my arm. I tried again and again. The door began to bend but that was all. My side hurt too much. I stopped. I screamed out in frustration one last time.


Authors Note:

I haven't slept in three days because my dog isn't feeling well.

Jessica Tanner was given the last name Tanner because that's my dog's name and he is my best friend.

Do you want to see a picture of my puppy?

Do you want to see a picture of my puppy?

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He is an American Bulldog. And I freaking wub him so much!

Thank you for reading!!

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