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"Gavin, I can't do this." I said and went back up to the front.

I heard Gavin and a police officer working on Matt. After they got him ready for transport, I got a out of the aid-car and Gavin took him to the hospital.

"Adams, is there something going on?" An officer asked.

"It's no big deal." I said as I got situated it the other aid-car.

"Gavin, we're bringing you a stab-victim. Don't let Hazel come on this one." Will said into the pager.

"Gavin took a patient to the ER. This is Adams." I said into the pager.

"Oh shit." Will said over the pager.

When they got there, I opened the doors to reveal Will and some other guy holding Owen. Owen had a knife in his bicep.

"Owen, what the hell happened?" I asked as I gave him some pain medication.

"I was manning the hose and some guy came up beside me and stabbed me." He said and winced as he tried to move his arm.

"Don't move." I instructed.

"Hazel, I love you." Owen said as I examined him.

"Owen, I love you too and I promise that you aren't gonna die honey." I said and smiled at him.

I got him ready to transport to the hospital and as soon as Gavin got back, I headed to the ER. When we arrived, I unloaded Owen and wheeled him inside.

"Owen Reynolds, 22 years old, stab-wound to the left bicep. Knife is still there." I announced as a doctor walked up.

We transferred him to a hospital bed, and the doctor began to check him out.

"Owen, I have to go back to the scene. I'll be back to get you as soon as everything is over." I said and kissed his forehead.

I left the room and took my stretcher back out to the aid-car. I drove back to the prison and parked beside Gavin's aid-car. He hopped in as soon as I came to a stop.

"How's Owen?" Gavin asked.

"He'll be okay, but he won't be able to work much for a while. I'm supposed to pick him up when we're done here." I said and smiled.

As we were sitting there, my phone began to buzz. Normally, I wouldn't answer my phone while on a call, but it was the hospital.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hi. Is this Ms. Adams?" A lady asked.

"This is she." I answered.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but Matt Lane is requesting to see you." She said and I froze up.

"Do not tell him that you got ahold of me or that you have my number. I will not come and see him." I said coldly into the phone.

"Ma'am, you're his emergency contact." The lady said.

"Do whatever you can to get my name off of that. I've wanted nothing to do with Matt for the last four years. I better not get a call about this again." I said and looked at Gavin.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. Have a nice night." The nurse said and I hung up.

"What was that about?" Gavin asked.

"Matt wants to see me." I said shakily.

"Are you going to see him?" He asked.

"Hell no." I said and looked down at my hands that were shaking terribly.

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