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Owen and I rushed to my car and sped to the station. When we arrived, we quickly put on our gear. We hopped into the aid-car and Owen followed one of the trucks to the mall. When we pulled up, there were a few cars that appeared to be damaged.

"Hazel, this isn't good." Owen whispered.

"It's probably just a car malfunction." I said.

"No. It looks like a homemade bomb. There's possibly more around." Owen announced quietly.

"Shit." I muttered.

Gavin came over to my window and instructed Owen and I to stay in the aid-car. 5 minutes later, we saw someone bend down beside a duffel bag by the mall entrance.

"Put your hands where I can see them." A cop yelled.

The person didn't listen.

"Put your hands where I can see them or I will shoot." The cop yelled again.

Before I had time to register what was happening, a gigantic boom erupted in the parking lot. The bomber had set off the bomb. I screamed and Owen gripped my arm. I tore my eyes away from the shredded dead body of the bomber and looked at Owen. His face had turned white.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Wait for the cops to tell us what to do." Owen said calmly.

The cops cleared the area, and finally we were able to help people. Will declared the bomber dead, even though it was obvious. There were two other people dead inside the entrance and multiple wounded. Dad called for backup aid-cars while Owen and I began to access people. I helped the ones critically injured, and Owen helped the ones with minor injuries. I went to a teenager whose leg was blown off just under the knee. I applied pressure and wrapped her up tightly to stop the bleeding. Gavin brought me a stretcher, and I loaded her up before Gavin took her to the hospital. For an hour, I helped treat people and sent them to the hospital.

After everyone was treated, Owen and I took the aid-car back to the station. I shakily restocked it and began to clean the stretcher.

"Haz, lets do this later." Owen said and took the bucket and sponges away from me.

"Owen, I'm almost done." I said and reached with my shaky hand to grab the bucket.

"Hazel, we need to go home and rest. You're shaken up." Owen said and set the bucket down.

He grabbed my hands and led me out to my car. Owen helped me into the passenger side before getting into the driver's side and heading home. Halfway home, I put my head in my hands and began to sob. Owen used one hand to rub my back while he drove.

"It's going to be okay, Haz." He soothed.

"Those innocent people were just living their life, having a fun day shopping, and then some asshole decides to blow them up." I cried.

"I know Haz. It isn't fair." Owen said softly.

When we arrived home, Owen decided to carry me inside. When we got inside, Owen sat down on the couch before pulling me into his lap. I sobbed into his chest as he held me tightly. This was my first time ever seeing something that bad. I've seen dead and injured people before, but never that many.

"Haz, lets go take a shower. You're bloody and dirty." Owen said and led me to the bathroom.

He helped me take my clothes off, and we hopped into the shower. I washed my hair and my body while Owen washed himself up.
After we were done, we got out and I put on one of Owen's shirts and a pair of underwear.

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