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The fresh mountain breeze hits my cheeks as we venture down the trail on horseback. We've been here for 2 weeks now so I've picked up quite a bit of riding. It's such a freeing feeling. Today, it's just Owen and I. We're getting a chance to spend some alone time and do some relaxing.

"I think you were made for this Haz." Owen breaks the silence

"The witness protection lifestyle?" I joke and he lets out of laugh.

"No, the cowgirl lifestyle. You look at home on the back of a horse. Maybe we should look for a farm when we get back home." He says.

"Are you serious?" I ask excitedly

"Of course baby. Dylan already enjoys it here too. I think it'd be great. Raise some horses and maybe some cows. We could do it Hazel." Owen says and smiles as we continue up the trail.

We ride quietly for a while, just enjoying the scenery and each others' company. I cant deny the fact that I could get used to the sight of my husband on horseback. We ride to a clearing and Owen stops his horse. I watch as he slides out of his saddle and grabs something out of his saddle bag.

"Are you going to join me or just watch me, Mrs. Reynolds?" He asks softly.

I slide off my horse and Owen hobbles both of them to keep them from running off. He spreads a plaid blanket down on the ground and produces a bottle of wine.

"Babe, there are some snacks in the right side of my saddle bag. Do you mind grabbing them please?" Owen asks softly.

I grab a container full of summer sausage and cheese. I walk back to where he has the blanket laid out, and I sit down beside my handsome husband.

"Thank you, Owen." I say and smile at him.

"Now, what are you thanking me for? This little getaway was for the both of us." He smirks

"Not for this. For putting up with me. I never intended on having to watch you be placed into witness protection with me." I answer.

"Haz, I would follow you wherever. You've always been the love of my life for as long as I can remember. I was just always waiting for you to see it. I'm so glad that you finally gave me a chance and we got the cutest son out of the deal." He confesses.

Owen leans over and kisses me hungrily and passionately. This man has been everything I ever could've wanted and so much more at the same time.

"Do you ever think back on how much things have changed in the past couple of years?" I ask softly

"All the damn time, Hazel. There was a time when I didn't even think you'd date me let alone have my kid and get married to me." Owen answers. "It was one of the best things seeing you all big and pregnant and wearing my ring on your finger. I wouldn't trade that for the world"

"It makes me sad to think that I won't be able to carry another child." I said softly.

"Oh, Haz, Dylan is freaking amazing, and I'm so glad that we got him. Would you be open to potentially adopting or even fostering someday? We have room for so many more children in our lives." Owen confessed.

"I would love to foster children with you, honey." I said and pecked him on the cheek.

We snacked and drank wine while reminiscing about our first few times hanging out together. I can't help but be amazed at the life we've created. I move Owen's wine glass out of the way before tackling him to the ground. As I peer down at him, a smile creeps on his face.

"I love you, Mrs. Reynolds." He says between kisses

"I love you too, Mr. Reynolds." I manage to giggle out.

And then, we did something I never imagined I would enjoy. We made love, right there on the ground in the middle of nowhere Montana.

We got back to the house as the sun was setting. We put the horses away and found Keely and Tanner sitting on the front porch, enjoying some whiskey.

"How was the ride?" Tanner asked

"It was amazing. We definitely needed the alone time. Thank you guys." I rambled.

"Anytime, it's always nice to get a break- even if it's a short one." Keely smiled

We went inside to find the kids all watching a movie together. Dylan fit right in with the twins and it was great to see him interact with kids his age.

My parents were sitting at the dining room table, a deck of cards in my dad's hand.

"You guys want to play pitch?" He asked

"Hell yea we do." Tanner hollered from behind us.

By the time we were done playing cards, the kids were fast asleep on the living room floor. They all looked so peaceful and sweet.

"Leave them there. They'll be fine until morning." Keely said softly as she watched me peek at Dylan.

"Thank you guys for everything. Goodnight." I said to her and Tanner as Owen and I headed up the stairs.

That night, I got the best sleep that I have had in a long time!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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