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"I think you should try got it, baby." I said excitedly to Owen.
Owen looked at me nervously, contemplating his choices.

"I don't know if I'm chief material, Hazel." He said softly.

I reached over and put my hand on top of his. I smiled at my handsome husband.

"I think you'd do great, Owen. Dad wouldn't be giving you the opportunity if he didn't think you'd be great at it." I pointed out and Owen signed before putting his head into his hands.

"That'll mean more time away from you and Dylan." Owen said sadly.

"I know baby. Just know that I will support whatever decision you make." I said and kissed his cheek.

We talked for a while before changing into some nicer clothes. We called for an Uber and hit up a bar downtown. We snacked on some appetizers and I sipped on my Malibu and Dr. Pepper. Owen sat across the table from me, drinking his Coors. We smiled at each other. It had been a while since we had a date night.

We finished our drinks and appetizers and walked down the block to a cute little country dance bar. We ordered drinks and sat down at a table off to the side.

"Are you ready to get your dance on?" Owen asked excitedly!!

"Let me finish this drink before I put on my dancing shoes." I said and winked.

I finished my drink and a few minutes later, Owen was pulling me onto the dance floor. He swung me around to the beat of the song. I smiled the whole time. I enjoy swing dancing so much. We danced yo several other songs, both of us having the best time. Around midnight, Owen pulled me close to him and kissed the top of my head.

"Lets get out of here." He said softly into my ear.

We ordered an Uber and headed home. Once inside the door of our house, Owen pressed me up against the wall.

"You look so hot tonight baby." He said into my ear before kissing my neck.

We began making out while slowly removing each others' clothing. Before too long, we ended up in the bedroom and Owen was pushing me onto the bed. We made love and it was sooo hot. After we finished, we cuddled up to each other.

"I love you, Owen." I said while tracing my fingers across his chest.

"I love you more," he said softly and kissed the top of my head.

"These last few years have been crazy," I said and looked into Owen's eyes.

"Who would've thought that we'd have the most adorable child and get married?" Owen asked and smiled.

"Life has a funny way of working out, and I'm so glad that it did." I answered.

"I'm going to try to get the chief position." Owen announced.

"I'm glad baby. I think it'll be a great step for you!" I exclaimed.

"I have nothing to lose by trying. Plus, someone needs to carry on your dad's legacy." He said and smiled.

"You're going to do great." I said softly.

The rest of the night, we cuddled and watched movies together. It has been a long time since we were able to just relax and focus on each other. We went to sleep, happy about the time we spent together tonight.
The next morning, we drove over to my parents' house. We walked in and my parents were sitting at the dining room table, drinking coffee.

"Where's my boy?" I asked.

"He's still sleeping in his room. We stayed up late." Dad said and grinned.

"We?" I asked.

"Your dad and Dylan made a fort in the living room and stayed up super late." Mom said and looked at dad.

"He was so excited about it." Dad said and his face lit up.

Owen and I sat with my parents and had some coffee. We decided not to wake Dylan yet. After a while, we heard the soft patter of feet entering the room.

"Mama." Dylan said softly while rubbing his eyes and walking towards me.

I pulled him in for a big hug before he walked over and sat on Owen's lap.

"Are you ready to go home little man?" Owen asked.

Dylan nodded his head gently before burying his head into Owen's shoulder. We said goodbye to my parents before loading Dylan up into the car. We drove the short distance home, and Dylan was asleep in his car seat. Owen carried him inside and gently laid him down on the couch.

I love this little family we created, and I couldn't be any happier with my life right now.

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