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Owen's rolled over in bed to shut off his alarm and I heard him sigh. It's 5:00am. Today is a big day for him but I also know how nervous he truly is... Today he will start his evaluation to potentially be named the chief of station 12.

Owen rolled back over, threw his arm around me, and nuzzled his face into my neck. He sighed and his soft breath tickled. I let out a soft giggle and he pulled me closer to his body.

"I love you Hazel." He said softly

"I love you too, Owen. You're going to do great." I said sleepily.

"I hope so... I have to get up baby. We have the simulation today." He said and swung his legs over the side of the bed

Owen flipped the lamp on and I covered my eyes. I felt him get off the bed before he pulled the cover off my face. I watched as he pulled on his blue pants and slipped on his tight fitting tshirt. It showed off his muscles perfectly.

"My husband is so hot." I said softly as he laced up his boots.

Owen looks perfectly put together. I am so proud of him. He walks to the bed and kisses me on the forehead before kissing my lips.

"I hope you have a good day baby, I'll see you later tonight. I love you." I said

"I'll see you tonight babe. I love you more. Tell Dylan to have a good day." Owen said and left the bedroom.

I heard his footsteps as he walked out of the house. My heart will be with him all day today. I've heard stories of the simulation and I know it's not the easiest thing ever. Especially depending on your draw number.... My stomach will be in knots until I know what him and Gav are okay.

I lay in bed unable to fall asleep. Around 6 o'clock, I hear little footsteps entering my room.

"Mama, can I lay with you?" Dylan asks softly.

"Of course baby." I answer as I pull him up into the bed.

We lay around a watch some cartoons for most of the morning. I love getting to spend this much needed time with Dylan and it's helping me take my mind off of things.

Around 11, I get Dylan dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a Saint Paul FD hoodie. Boy do I miss the station. After fixing up my hair, I load Dylan into the car. We're going to go pick my mom up for lunch!

We grab my mom and decide to go to Chick-fil-A for some food! Dylan absolutely loves their lemonade and chicken nuggets.

We sit inside and converse over our lunch. It's always nice getting to spend some time with my mom.

"How was Owen feeling this morning?" She asked

"He's so nervous but I really think he's excited." I said and smiled

"I remember the day your dad did the simulation, seems like forever ago." Mom said softly.

We talked some more about the guys before throwing away our trash and leaving the restaurant.

We did some shopping and took Owen to the kid's museum to keep us busy. It definitely helped. Around 3 o'clock I dropped mom off and we decide to head to the station and visit my dad. We walk into the station and Dylan runs straight for his office. I watch as he throws open the door and my dad gets the biggest grin!! I love the bond they have together.

"What are you two up to?" Dad asked as I approached the door.

"We just got done hanging out with mom. I'm stressing so bad about Owen that I can't go home yet." I said softly to dad.

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