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Six Months

As the news settled in that Harry was going to be gone for at least four months, they both decided to tell Violet a little later rather than sooner. She didn't take it well, to say the least. There was a lot of crying and hugging and incoherent babbling, but that's what was expected. She was losing the person she viewed as her father for four months which seemed like forever to a three-year-old. The day of his departure was much worse than breaking the news to her. She didn't realize what day it was at first, she couldn't gauge time properly at her age, but when she saw Harry place his bag by the door as he waited for the car service, all of the things began to piece together.

Bea was still in the kitchen loading the dishwasher with dishes from breakfast while Violet approached Harry who was by the front door. Deciding that now was her time to capture his attention, Violet tugged on his pant leg and muttered,"Up,". Harry did as she wanted and lifted her so that she was placed on his hip. "Are you leaving?"

Harry looked at her, her tiny lip was wobbling and he could see the tears begin to start. "Yeah, pet, I'm leaving soon," he said before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Won't be gone for long, though. I'll be back before yeh know it."

She shook her head rigorously with more tears coming out of her eyes and her small hands were gripping onto the collar of his shirt. "No! You can't leave!"

Bea walked out from the kitchen and to the foyer once she heard all of the yelling coming from her daughter. Knowing that Violet was one for flailing, she stayed reasonably far as to protect her bump. "Sweet-pea, it'll be okay, I promise."

"No, mummy!" Fat tears were rolling down her cheeks as processed everything, soaking Harry's shirt which was the last of his worries. "I don't want him to leave! I don't want daddy to leave!" The last word was drawn out as it turned into cries.

Bea sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, she wasn't expecting Harry's departure to be this difficult. "Violet, can you calm down for mummy please?" she asked softly, moving closer to them. "You're gonna make yourself ill. You don't want to be ill, do you?"

Violet hesitated but shook her head. "I don't want him to leave mummy."

"Well look, he's still right here," she said, placing her finger on Harry's nose. "Wouldn't be able to put my finger on his nose if he wasn't." Violet copied her mother's action making Harry snort a bit. "You can talk to him every day, I promise." Bea stuck out her pinky, and before she knew it, Violet's was wrapped around hers.


Eight Months

"Violet, you have to get to bed, can you give mummy the phone please?" Bea asked patiently. Violet had been tucked up in bed ready to go to sleep, but then Harry called and she just couldn't miss his call, so now there they are, half an hour past her bedtime talking to Harry on the phone.

Violet pouted at her mum, said goodnight to Harry, and handed Bea the phone. Once Violet was officially asleep, Bea moved into the master to sit in the bed that was now only ever occupied by her unless Violet had a nightmare and decided that she wanted to sleep next to her mummy.

"You really know how to keep her awake, don't you?" she asked, laying down on the bed and sighing due to the instant relief it gave her back.

Harry laughed and she could hear him move in the background. "She was just telling me about how Mel bought new clothes for the baby and not for her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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