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Harry and Bea stood outside of his townhouse that was only a ten minute car ride away from Bea's house, and she could tell that it would be gorgeous on the inside. She hadn't gotten the opportunity to see his new house because of how busy both of them have been, but now that Harry has a day off, she figured she could hop over to check out the place that he'd be calling home. She could already see some of the living room that was lit by a gorgeous chandelier through the bay window, and she was impressed. She only got more impressed as they walking in and he began showing her the first level of the house. Everything was well decorated and all of the pillows looks so plush and huggable, the nap she could take on the couch would be extraordinary. Bea thought that she had reached peak happiness, but then they began going upstairs.

"So, before we go upstairs completely, I have a proposition," Harry said, stopping on the last step and facing his girlfriend. Bea raised an eyebrow as if to say 'go on', so that's what he did.

"Because I'm going to be gone until December, I figured that I'd need someone to water my plants and then you popped into my head, but I don't want you to have to go back in forth constantly. So, I came to the conclusion that you could just live here - temporarily or permanently - if you'd like."

Her eyes were wide and he could hear her lips part. "Harry, don't joke about this with me."

As his lips began to stretch into a grin, he bit his lip to hold it back. "No, not joking at all, love."

"Of course I'll live here," she muttered into her hand, covering her smile. "I won't kill your plants, I promise."

Harry laughed and directed her to the master first, then the ensuite, all of the bathrooms on that floor, and what was now Imogen's bedroom. Everything was furnished like it was at the other flat, painted with pinks and grey, and that room alone was enough to make Bea giddy, but of course, Harry wasn't done. He led her into the nursery that was oh-so-cute and eventually led Bea to tears. Harry was pleased with her reaction, to say the least.

Later, both of them settled into the master bedroom, figuring that Bea had two more hours until she had to go pick up Violet. She was tucked under his arm and the feather filled duvet as they laid on the plush bed and Titanic played on the tv, even though neither of them paid any attention to the movie. They weren't even talking much, only exchanging a couple of words every couple of minutes about random things. They were just enjoying each other's company.

"How's the whole Jonah situation going?" Harry asked as Rose contemplated suicide, looking over the edge of the ship.

Her face scrunched up at the mention of his name and she shrugged. "He's getting flaky again, didn't expect anything less though. The whole situation is messy; Violet doesn't even like him, not that I blame her."

"She doesn't like him?" Although his tone conveyed some emotion, a little spark of pride and happiness lit inside of him because Violet preferred him by a mile when compared to her own father. That seemed like a win in his book. "I don't like him."

Bea snorted. "You think that I don't know that?" she asked as she unlocked her phone that was vibrating because of various texts that were most likely all from Mel. She went silent as she read the texts until she muttered,"Ah fuck."


"There's a bunch of shit everywhere about how the baby is yours and shit," she said, typing on her phone. "Might as well be yours though." When she said it, she thought she said it quiet enough for only her to hear under the noise of the movie, but Harry heard it.

"About that," he mumbled, shifting a bit as he approached the completely foreign topic. "I have to do press and they're bound to ask about you and I could explain everything and say that she's not mine, lie and say she's mine, or just try to avoid it for as long as possible."

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