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With a noticeable swell in her middle, there was no way Bea could even step outside without being hounded with questions about whether or not she was pregnant. It was pretty obvious that she was, being the petite girl that she is, but her shame had stopped her from telling anyone other than the father, her parents, and her best friend, Melanie. She thought that she looked ridiculous, with one child holding her hand and a bump filling her shirt. She thought that she looked even more ridiculous when she stood outside of quite a fancy hotel in sweats that barely fit her anymore and a form-fitting tank top.

"Why are we here? You can't afford to stay here, you live thirty minutes away, there's no reason for you to stay here," she muttered, tying her hair up into a ponytail. "I'm pregnant, I should be in bed right now."

"Okay, you're three months pregnant, not in labor," Melanie said as she fished around in her bag for something. "Violet doesn't seem to mind, do you, Violet?"

Violet, Bea's oldest daughter (at the age of 3), looked up and grinned at her mother. "I think it's pretty mummy! It looks like a place for a princess!" 

 Although she smiled at her daughter's happiness, she couldn't help but be wary of the situation. They had no reason to be out in central London on a muggy, rainy day in the middle of August, it just made no sense. No matter how hard she tried, Bea couldn't figure out why Melanie had brought them here. Melanie stepped inside of the lobby first and Bea followed, holding Violet's hand the entire time. Once inside, she felt even more out of place. The floors were marble, a large chandelier hung down from the ceiling and cast a warm light through the space, and the lobby in itself probably costed more than everything Bea had ever owned in her life. Melanie was wearing a casual, red dress and Violet, her own daughter, was wearing a little blue dress with buttons down the back. Bea was the only one out of place. 

 "Mel, I don't feel comfortable in the slightest," she muttered, hoisting Violet up, onto her hip. "I look homeless." 

Before Mel could respond, Violet piped up and directed her attention towards her mum. "You don't look homeless mummy." 

She bit back a smile and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, sweetheart." 

"See, no one here thinks you look homeless," Mel said, guiding them towards the elevator. "Can you please tell me why we're here?" 

The two friends looked at each other until Mel finally cracked. "I met a guy-" she exclaimed, quietly, not trying to bring attention to herself, but before she could finish her thought, Bea interrupted her. 

"You brought me and my daughter here for you to meet your shag buddy?" 

Mel snorted and shook her head. "No, no, of course not. I was at this party and I met this guy, right, and I thought he looked familiar so I talked to him, turns out he was Nick Grimshaw and he said that he liked my energy so we should hang out. Wham bam thank you, ma'am, we're here." 

"So you brought me to a stranger's hotel?" She rolled her eyes and stepped out of the elevator when the got to the right floor. 

"Way to look at the positive, buddy." Her fist barely came into contact with the door before in flung open, revealing Nick Grimshaw, like she was expecting. 

If Bea was still a giddy eighteen-year-old, she would be bouncing off the walls and probably hyperventilating, but she's not. She's a twenty-two-year-old woman expecting with a toddler. In her eyes, she couldn't be more different than the eighteen-year-old that she used to be. 

"You must be Beatrice," Nick said, holding a hand out for her to shake. 

 She gave him a smile and shook his hand before adjusting Violet on her hip. "Call me Bea, please." 

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