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Harry's number ended up in Bea's phone that night and all Violet could manage to talk about was how Harry complimented her dress and how he let her pick her favorite "drawings". The flat the three of them shared was small, but it fit for them. The kitchen was small, none of the dining chairs matched, and there definitely wasn't enough room for another baby, but Bea's parents, mostly her dad, had bought it for them and helped pay the rent of the first year. It was in Hampstead, a nice, safe area for Violet to grow up in, and as desperate as they were to get a larger place to live, any flat that could fit their needs was way too expensive and Bea couldn't muster up the courage to ask her parents for a loan.

"Mummy, will we ever see Harry again?" Violet asked, bouncing into her bedroom that was by far the best-decorated room in the house. "I liked him, he was nice to me."

Bea crouched down next to her daughter and took down her hair that was in a bun. "I know you liked him, sweet-pea, I liked him too. I don't know when we'll see him again though, he seems like a busy man."

Sadly, Violet missed the whole One Direction phase because she was too young to remember who they were or what they did. Bea could barely remember Harry because of how much his looks have changed since she last saw him in the tabloids. Both of them know about the same amount of information about him.

"I want to see him again, mummy," she said with a pout as Bea took out some pajamas to change her into.

Bea sighed and combed her fingers through her hair before saying,"Okay, you remember that mummy has to see the doctor to check on your little brother or sister tomorrow, right?" Violet nodded, eagerly. Whenever what was soon to be her new sibling was mentioned, she got all giddy and excited. "Well, after that I can give Harry a call and see if he'd like to see you again soon. How does that sound?"

"Can you do it now?" she asked, nearly jumping up and down, making the whole process of getting ready for bed ten times harder.

"I would, but he has to sleep, just like you, but I promise that I will."

"Okay, mummy."


With Melanie gone for work and Violet occupied by Peppa Pig, and she looked at all of the clothes displayed on her bed. As much as she hates to admit it, her mum was right. She knew that she never lost all of the weight that she gained with Violet, by the time she got pregnant again she still had fifteen pounds left to lose. In her first pregnancy, she got large. By the end of the third trimester, not even the maternity clothes could hide the forty-five pounds that she had gained during her pregnancy. The doctor told her that it was normal for someone as petite as her, but that didn't stop Bea from hating what she saw in the mirror. Once Violet was born, her boobs had doubled in size, she had stretch marks all over, and everything was slightly saggy. With the weight still on, this pregnancy made her look bigger faster, and she hated it.

Muttering a swear under her breath, she just grabbed a grey tank top and some maternity jeans and tugged them on. Bea usually wouldn't spend too much time picking out an outfit, but she stretched the truth a little bit when talking to Violet the night before because Harry had asked her out. She was still planning on bringing up how much Violet missed him, but she wouldn't have to call him. After she made sure she had everything that she needed, she walked out to take Violet to her daycare.

"Did you like watching Peppa Pig," she asked as she helped to get on her shoes.

Violet nodded eagerly. "Peppa Pig is my favorite, mummy," she said as if Bea didn't already know.

"I know, sweet-pea."


Bea was wiping all of the gel off of her stomach when the doctor decided to summarize the appointment. "So, you should be due in late February and you only have one baby in there, instead of two or three," she said with a chuckle. "I know it's early, but you're a bit small so you might-"

uh-oh baby (Harry Styles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora