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With her head hovering over the toilet bowl, Bea's nausea wasn't subsiding in time for her to go meet her parents in Kensington with Violet. She had to see her parents at least twice a month, to her dismay, and this visit was going to be especially important. She was planning on asking her parents for a loan to get a new flat so that the new baby could actually fit into the flat. They had always liked Jonah so when Bea got pregnant again, they expected Jonah to stick around and provide for both of them and they could be the (more or less) picture perfect family, but he left again. Of course, they wouldn't blame him. "He can't be held down at this point in his life," they'd say, or "you shouldn't have gotten pregnant as an attempt to hold him down," because no matter what, it was Bea's fault in their eyes. 

Bea fell for Jonah for a reason, whether it was his good looks or his charm, but she fell hard. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Violet, and for the first three months that Bea had Violet, she felt heartbroken because she had to see the love she lost instead of appreciating the love she gained. As much as she hated Jonah now, Bea knew that if he came back she would be back at his feet and would somehow end up heartbroken all over again. Harry, though, was the complete opposite of Jonah, looks wise and personality wise. He's caring, compassionate, good with children, and a brunette with green eyes. He's absolutely irresistible and Bea's smitten even though she's only known him for a little less than a month. 

Harry had revealed to her that he was staying in a hotel so close to his actual home because he was moving for security reasons, but he was moving in which meant that the amount of free time he had decreased even more. Bea offered to help as much as she could, but she had her hands full taking care of Violet, and whenever she got a sliver of free time, Harry insisted that she just relaxed at home. She is pregnant, after all. He's been smitten with her too, everyone can tell. He was constantly on his phone and Nick found a Peppa Pig sippy-cup under the couch one night. It took Nick a moment to realize why his best mate, a grown man, would have a sippy-cup under his bed, but then he remembered Violet, the charming little toddler. He chose not to pester Harry about it because that wouldn't make him open up any faster, but if he didn't tell him something by the end of the month, he'd have to start pestering. 

Bea couldn't even attempt to hide her pregnancy anymore. The four-month bump was on full display, and although she's only known Harry and Nick for less than a month, any time they saw each other (which became quite often) one of them would point it out. Nick has even been googling how big the baby is when compared to fruit. 

"Are you alright?" Mel asked, peaking her head into the bathroom. The question was only answered with a groan. "I can stay home from work to look after Violet if you want." 

Bea lifted her head and looked at her best friend. "No, no. I have to see my parents and take her with me. This'll be over soon." 

 Mel scoffed and sat next to her. "You don't have to go, they'd surely understand." 

"Mel," she whined, dropping her head onto the seat of the toilet. "You know my parents, you know how they are. If I don't go today, they'll completely disown me." 

"Well you can't drive and you just told me to stay home from work. How about I call Harry?" 


"And why not?" 

"He'd have to meet my parents, you dumbass," she grumbled. "And I smell like vomit." 

Mel sighed. "He doesn't have to meet your parents, does he?" 

Bea laughed weakly before clearing her throat. "What do you want him to do? Wait for me outside like he's my chauffeur?" Mel's sheepish smile was answer enough. 

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