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Bea could feel the nausea resurfacing as she walked further into her childhood home. A new maid had been brought in because the old one, the one that was only around for two weeks, had misplaced her mother's boots for twenty minutes. Bea couldn't even manage to remember the names anymore because they came and went too often. Harry was trailing behind her, holding Violet close to his chest as she was barely awake and if she was placed on the ground she'd just sleep there. Her mother took them into the grand sitting room, the very place that Bea revealed both pregnancies and got kicked out. She didn't have the fondest memories, to say the least. Harry, Bea, and Violet sat on one couch (Violet was really sitting on Harry's lap waking up from her nap) and Bea's mum sat on one of the other couches.

"Is dad not coming or...?" Bea asked, looking for her dad who always had a soft spot for her and cushioned any blow her mother could give.

She shook her head and her eyes quickly switched from Bea to Harry and back to Bea. "No, not today. He had business. Were you planning on telling me that you've found a new boyfriend."

Bea hummed and looked around as if she was pondering something. "No, I was just planning on eloping soon and moving to Madagascar." She could hear Harry stifle a laugh but her mother just glared at her. "What?"

You're not funny," she said, sternly.

"Yeah, alright well mum, I know dad's not here and this is technically a decision that you two should make together, but Melanie and I were wondering if we could have a loan to get a bigger flat. You know, one that can fit a baby."

Her mum scoffed at her and crossed her arms over her chest. "Beatrice, you don't have a job as it is now, you've gotten pregnant out of wedlock for the second time, and you just expect both of us to reward that type of behavior."

"It's not a reward mum."

"Oh yeah, then what is it?"

The twitch in her left eye came back after months of being absent. "A way to know that your daughter and grandchildren are safe."

"Well, I know that all of you are safe where you are now," she said and Bea just sighed, defeated by her own mother. "Not like that baby is safe with all of the weight you've been putting on."

Bea could see Harry's face twist up and she could only pray that he stayed silent through the mother-daughter exchange. He didn't. "What do you mean, all of the weight she's put on?"

"Oh come on, you may not look too bright but you don't have to act like it." Bea placed her head in her hands and shook her head. If Violet were to wake up, this would be her nightmare scenario. "She used to be a thin, pretty girl, back when Jonah was around. I guess she used to care about what he thought of her."

"Mum," she barked,"I'm pregnant, what do you fucking expect from me?"

Her mother returned her glare. "Beatrice, don't use that type of language. I expect you to stay slim, you didn't even slim down in the three years that you weren't pregnant."

Harry shook his head and leaned back on the couch, seeming just as defeated as his counterpart. This caused Bea's mother to notice his presence once again. "What do you do? Can't you provide for my grandchildren like she wants."

Bea laughed and her face slowly turned deeper shades of red. "I'm a singer."

She looked at her daughter with raised eyebrows. "A singer? You've gone from a future lawyer to something as illegitimate as a singer?"

"Mum," she snapped, getting up from her seat quickly. A wave a nausea and dizziness hit her but she tried to push it down. "Who are you to tell me who I can date and what he can do?"

uh-oh baby (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now