Epilogue to "Rather Be Jack"

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Epilogue to "Rather be Jack".

"Are you ready?" I asked Austin, uncuckling my seat belt and glancing over at him. 

"I don't know why you're asking me, I hardly know the guy." He replied, earning a little glare and slap on the arm from me. 

"Come on," I ordered, slipping out of the passenger side seat and slinking up the nice stone walkway, waving for Austin to follow suit. 

We, well I, crept up to the door, Austin walking normally at full height behind me while commenting how weird I was, and saying that no one was probably even home. A grin took over my face as I pushed my finger into the door chime. 

"I'm so exicted," I whispered to Austin, who just chuckled in reponse, wrapping a loose arm around my waist. 

We waited, and waited, and then I rung the doorbell again, and we waited.... until finally, I heard footsteps approaching the door.

Please be him, please be him, please be him.

The door swung open to reveal a person who was still looking inside, who gave an absent minded, "Hello, how can I help you?" without even looking to see who was on his front porch. 

"I'll have an order of fries please," I answered, smiling and practically jumping in my place. Sam's eyes widened as he recognized my voice and his head quickly snapped over to look at Austin and me. 

"Sammie!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around his small, shocked, frame. 

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" he said, a wide grin on his face as he hugged me back. He waved over my shoulder at Austin, who was leaning up against the door frame with a smile on his face as well. 

"Surprise, I live here now!" 

"You're fucking kidding me" 

"Nope. Don't you feel like jesus really does love you?" I asked, receiving a laugh from Sam. 

"You don't know how happy that makes me, you know I was starting to think that I would have to find more new people to be my friends!"

I laughed, "well at least I'm good for something." 

"No really," Sam breathed out, "When you guys left I had to go back to hanging out at the resteraunt!" 

Austin chuckled from behind me, and I laughed as well. 

"Well, now you won't have to be the new kid at school alone." 

"Ugh," Sam practically moaned out, "You don't know how happy I am to hear that. Oh! Please come in you guys, I'm sorry I was so surprised I forgot that it feels like Satan's asshole out there!" He apologized, stepping out of the doorway to let Austin and me in. 

"Hi, Austin." He said, giving Austin a big hug, having to stand on his toes to reach his arms up around his shoulders, like me, Sam was pretty short. Ever since Austin and them came to Arizona  the first time, Sam had regarded Austin as if he were calling on me and I was Sam's own daughter, he was very nice to Austin, but I know that sometimes when I wasn't looking he would give Austin that, 'I'm watching you' look. 

"Hey Sam, how are you?" Austin replied, hugging Sam back. Surprisingly, for the very short time that we had known Sam, especially Austin, there was no air of awkwardness between the two of them. 

"Eh, better now that you guys are here. I can't believe I finally have friends! Now I won't die when I go to school!" 

"What's going on in here Sammie?" I heard Charlie's (Sam's older brother) voice call from down the hall. I squealed. I loved Charlie, granted I had only met him like 3 times we had developed a very sibling-like bond. He was very protective of Sammie, treating him like he would a little sister. I was jealous of that, I had never had a brother to do that for me. So, naturally, you could imagine how happy I was when he started treating me like a little sister as well. Another good thing was that he and Austin also got along well, they were 'bros' as they may have put it. 

"Charlie! I'm Back!" I sang out, holding my arms open for a hug. He walked out of the hallway, looking at me and grinning. 

"Well look what the cat dragged in, hey squirt." He gave me a brotherly hug before taking his knuckle and giving me a noogie, messing my hair up no doubt. 

"Stoooop." I groaned, swatting at his hands without any success of hitting them. Charlie just easily fended them off, his tall frame towering over me at like 6'2. 

"Austin!" He said in surprise, his smile growing even wider when seeing my boyfriend over my head. He kind of shoved me away into Sam before walking over and greeting Austin. 

"God, he's such a neanderthal." Sam muttered, rolling his eyes at his older brother before turning to me and saying, "I'm really happy that you're here, but can I just ask how?" 

"My dad. He moved for business." 


I nodded, "Yeah here, well maybe like 20 minutes away from here, but he said that I could move in with Austin as long as I was always home on the weekends, and Austin lives just 5 minutes away from this house." 

"You're kidding?" 

"Nope." Sam laughed, slinging his arms around me in a hug, he was just a teeny bit taller than me, not tall enough to rest his chin on my head, but tall enough so that he could place a big kiss on my forehead. 

"This is the best day I had in a while." He said. 

"I'm glad." 

"I can't promise that you guys will love it here, it's a small town." 

I laughed. If only Sam could see where we had just come from. 

"I don't think we'll have a problem," I replied, and I meant it. I honestly thought that we would be okay. Yes I missed Sarah, yes I would call her all of the time, yes we would miss Radiant Springs, but we would be okay. 

There are always times in your life when you have to move on, you have to end and start new chapters, the story was never over, and most of the time, you didn't like what was happening, but that's okay because no one on Earth is always happy. It's just a matter of taking what you can and finding the best in every situation. 

Life doesn't stop because you're sad, or mad, or lonely, and that's a scary thought. But it was true, the world doesn't revolve around you, you have to go with the world's flow. It wasn't your world, you had to make your life your world. 


this is the end. 

thank you for reading, vote, comment, follow, and share, please. 

Thank you so much. 

Luv ya Queen.

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