Chapter Nine: Clothes with wills on the tags

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Chapter Nine: Clothes with wills on the tags.


"Sweet niblets is this the price?" Grace dropped the pair of sunglasses back on the display. 

"They're quality sunglasses, I have like two pairs they're pretty comfortable," I said breezily, picking the glasses back up and looking through them casually. 

"Dude, I prefer to have glasses on that don't cost as much as my soul." 

"Are you kidding me? Your soul is worth so much less than these."

Grace gasped and slapped my chest.

"Why are we here anyways?" She asked as we walked away from the small kiosk filled with top brand name sunglasses. I shrugged, ever since she'd discovered that Jack had cheated on her, she'd been super down. I mean I understand why but I hated seeing her sad. 

"Don't malls make girls happy?" 

"pasta makes me happier." 

"So you wanna leave?"

"Heck no, let's go to Tilly's," She said eagerly, running ahead of me, probably searching for the nearest map of the mall.

"Hey I found-"

"I found it!" Grace yelled, ran back to me, and then continued back towards the map with me in tow. 

"Grace the store-"

"What the fudge I can't find it on this map." 


"Shut up and look for the store on this stupid map with me." 


"Can you-"

"Grace!" Grace stopped searching the map and looked up at me. Her expression reminding me of a kicked puppy. For some odd reason, I felt guilt plant itself inside of my stomach. I sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but the store is right there," I whispered into her hair. She squealed and jumped out of my arms, 

"Come on slow poke, let's go but some shizzle" 

"What the hell is shizzle?" I asked myself as I jogged into the store to catch up with Grace. 

As soon as I had caught up with her she was already pushing articles of clothing up to my chest. Shoving piece after piece into my arms, after about ten minutes of a relentless onslaught of shirts and pants Grace turned me around and pushed me towards the dressing rooms. Seeing as there was no use fighting her I let her move me into the small compartment room.

"Try them on, then show me."

"All of them?" I asked, feeling the headache forming behind my eyes. 

"Every single one." Grace grinned before kissing me on the cheek and leaving the dressing room to wait for me.

After a string of colorful words, several, pity filled glances from the sales attendant, and a consistent 'do this or die' look from Grace, I grudgingly made my way into the dressing rooms.

After slipping the first shirt on, one look in the mirror and I knew that I couldn't be caught dead in public wearing this shit.

"Grace! This shirt is way too tight!" I yelled through the doors of the small compartment like room.

"No, it's not Austin. You need to learn how to dress appropriately! That means no more loose hoodies or just throwing your freaking leather jacket over things!"

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