Chapter Twelve: Ain't all that.

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Chapter Twelve: Ain't all that.

Grace's POV

"I'm so glad that you've finally come to your senses, I hope you understand why I did what I did. I simply cannot have to marry that little orphan boy." My mother rambled on and on, as my resent for her grew and grew. 

My fists were clenched in tight balls as women flittered all around me, fitting me for a dress for some business event that my father had to go to.

"Really, you and Jack will have lovely children and you my darling, you will have glorious money, I mean ten years ago would've thought that his father's pathetic corporation would bloom into the multi-million treasure it is now? Who've thought that my daughter would have been the lucky girl to marry into all of that.... money." 

I was sure by then that my face was turning purple. The wretched creature behind me didn't see it though, even though she was sitting behind me in a chair, staring at me in the mirror. NO, she was too distracted by her own selfish thoughts. 

"And to think," 

"Mother please. I'm doing what you want will you just shut your miserable mouth for five seconds." I snapped at her, tired of the bullshit. 

The women who were fitting my dress stopped abruptly. I'm sure they'd heard their share of women who spoke of what my mother did in here, but I bet they didn't hear anyone respond to it like I did. 

With a tense wave of her hand my mother dismissed the women, they scrambled out of there as if my mother were a hungry cat, and they were just frightened little mice. 

"Is that any way to treat your mother? I have done nothing but secure a future filled with safety for you and this is how you repay me?" She hissed, latching on painfully to my upper right arm. 

"You are the miserable one, you are the pathetic one, daughter, you can't even see when others are handing you you're life on a silver platter do you know how  hard I've worked? I-" 

"You?" I cut her off, "You worked? Since when was being some itch of a trophy wife work? huh? Since when was driving behind your daughter in a golf cart yelling at her to run faster work? Since fucking WHEN WAS STARVING YOUR FUCKING FLESH AND BLOOD WORK YOU BITCH? YOU'VE DONE NOTHING!" 

I didn't know what had happened until I tasted the blood in my mouth and felt the heat on the side of my face. My mother lowered her hand, her face like stone. I willed the tears in the corners of my eyes not to fall, not to let her win. 

"You deserve nothing that I have ever given you." My mother turned away from me to resume her position in the plush chair at the back of the room. She nodded to the where I had been standing minutes ago, as if I would just pretend as if what just happened didn't. I shook my head. 

"I hate you." I whispered, for once in my life being strong enough to say it. 

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed, turning and running out the door, I passed the confused women in the lobby of the expensive dress shop. 

"My mother will pay for this." I told them, before storming out of the shop, into the fairly busy streets of rush hour Radiant Springs. Gathering the material of the dress in my hand I tried ripping some of the floor length material off, not succeeding I ran back into the shop, seeing my mother at the front desk paying for the dress. 

I took a stray pair of scissors from the front desk and cut a notch at the knee of the dress then proceeded to rip the material away from my body, grinning at the sounds of surprised gasps around the lobby. 

I threw the excess material at my mother, who seemed to be frozen in shock before running back out into the streets, I was glad that my mother didn't make me take off my converse for the fitting, a fatal mistake on her part. I took off running down the sidewalk, refusing to look back.

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