Chapter Two: Stole my Thunder, Stole my Girl

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Chapter Two: Stole my Thunder, Stole my Girl.

Austin's POV

That was five years ago. Five years ago my world came crashing down. Five years ago my heart was torn from my chest and stomped on repeatedly. Since then I hadn't talked to anyone outside of my immediate family, oh wait, that's no one. Jack deserted me, seeing me as a freak with no family, Grace shied away, not being able to see me without breaking into hysteria, so to sum it up, I was alone. I was forced to go live with my grandparents until I turned 16 and could be emancipated. Now don't get me wrong, I loved living with my grandparents... kind of, it's just that they tried to hard to connect with me, they refused to leave me alone. I was alone emotionally, but they wouldn't let me be alone physically... as if it mattered by then. They signed me up for therapy, they tried to get me back involved with sports, they tried almost everything, but I was determined to stay in my own depressed state of mind. Soon it got to the point I stopped going to school, my grades dropped, fortunately, I didn't turn to drugs or alcohol, seeing as I somehow hated not only the smell but also the burning feeling it left going down. I'd been burned enough for a lifetime.

Now fast forward to present time. Fast forward through all of the lonely nights and the knowledge that I was more screwed up in the brain than Edgar Allen Poe. Past all of the fistfights, I got into, past all of the strugglings to get back on my feet, financially and most academically. I mean I had enough money from my father's company, which I now own, to last me a lifetime, but I didn't have the brains yet to run it. I started taking college classes early to where, when I graduate this spring, I'll have finished two years of college already. The last five years of my life, I'd been living in the real world, the world where you needed to be prepared for anything. Sadly though nothing could prepare me for what happened today.


"Who is he?" I heard the new girl whisper to her friend who took one look at me then quickly snapped back around to her original spot like a rubber band.

"Don't go near him Pheobe. He's bad news. The rumor is when he was only 13 years old, he went mental."

Pheobe's eyes widened and her eyes landed on my form, leaning against the brick wall of the school, away from everyone else. I stared intently at a tree in front of me, feeling her gaze scan over me.


"Yep, he hasn't talked to anyone for five years, some say he woke up one-day hearing voices, next thing you know he had plotted his family's death. Others say that he's just an introvert and went mute a while ago" the girl speaking shrugged, as if telling my social summary was like batting a fly away.

My jaw clenched at the stupid preposterous accusations. The girl didn't know the first about any of it so why should I care if she talks down about it.

"Him? He doesn't look that bad." I mentally befriended the new girl, at least, she didn't judge me as fast as the others did.

"That's really the only thing he has going for him Pheobe, his looks, but please don't try to get with him. You'll probably end up dead. I mean why else would he have never even dated a girl unless he knew he'd kill them and he didn't want to do that."

Man, that girl really is stupid. I pushed off of the wall and purposefully walked past the two girls, receiving an intimidating look from each girl. Without blinking a sauntered over to my car, the white paint glimmering in the sun, the parking spaces around it empty. Go figure, even my car was lonely.

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