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Sitting here already in my seat quiet and just doing work waiting until class is over I sat in the back corner to myself not paying no one any attention. I like to be myself but I have no friends or anyone to talk or to speak to.But  I'm the main nerd that is quiet and the outcast of the hole intire school but now it's time for lunch I gathered all my stuff and headed to the cafeteria and sat by myself outside in the court yard since it's peaceful with no one to bother me at all under a tree and no one to say anything to me.

"Is this Seat taking." so one was saying while I was just reading I look up and see a girl that was my age and with red hair and with a crop top and shorts.

"No it's not taken? you can sit" I said adjusting my hand to tell her that she can sit

"Jordan rose by the way" she said

"Oh, Riley, Riley McCarthy" I said shaking her hand

"Well I'm new and I don't have friends and I saw you sitting out here from the cafeteria and was just gonna make you as my new friend." she said smiling at me

"Well I'm not a good friend I'm very independent and to my self." I said looking at her

"Well it's not hard to try right well lets give it a new start McCarthy." she said and its not bad to start something new.

"Well since we are in the same lunch, can I see you schedule to see your other classes."

"Here." she gave me her schedule so I can see her other classes so it looks like we have all the same classes together

"Well it looks like we have the same classes I guess." I said looking at her and smiling so she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"Well okay."

Well the bell rag and me and Jordan made our way to our last two classes that we had and sat next to each other during lose classes. I got to know her better during those classes and it looks like she's my next door neighbor and now we can study at each others house she was from Georgia and she moved to California to be with her dad. well that's cool.

Well classes ended and I went to my locker to put my stuff into it so I went to my car and got in and started it I had a blue muscle mustang 'Z' my favorite car I always wanted it since sophomore year so my mom and dad bought it since I'm a junior now and it's been my baby ever since.

I was driving home and Jordan was right behind me since we are neighbors and we could take each other to school but she took her car to school today. after getting out the car I walked to my door and unlocked it my house is huge so I have a mansion so I my family is kinda rich, my dad own his own CEO company and my mom owns a hair shop and does hair. so I'm always home alone but I like to go to my art room to draw or sketch things so one day I could get into one of the famous art school that their is.

'Beep' my phone goes off and it's Jordan

Jordan R.~'Hey girl,"

Me~ 'hey was up'

Jordan R.~ 'oh just wondering if you wanna go to the mall I'm kinda done doing homework and studying'

Me~ 'sure hold up I just got done doing my art be their in 15 mins'

Jordan R.~ ' ? didn't know you draw.? but okay see yah ttyl see you then I guess taking you car btw'

Me~ 'sure fine with me see yah'

So I got dressed and started to go to the kitchen and get an apple and then got my purse and my keys and went to go get Jordan and she was outside at my car waiting while I just got out the house and locked up.

"Ready to go shopping." she said

"I guess" I said

"Wow you don't sound excited at all you sound drained" she said getting into the passages seat.

And with that we went to the mall and all through the evening we been getting stares from guys I never gotten before in my life so since I was a blond and with my clothes that every girl wears I guess it works me wearing clothes like this after school is gonna make attention come to me now I guess since Jordan is my only friend now.

And with that the evening went on. but their was some thing else I saw at the mall my other next door neighbor across the street Matthew Lockhart my freshman crush. he was looking at me but I didn't pay attention I don't want him to know I was in love with him ever since. plus he's the schools bad boy I guess I was in love with him. But he was looking at me since I notice he came over where me and Jordan was sitting in the courtyard where all the food was.

"Hey beautiful" he said

I turned my head and seen who it was oh gosh it's HIM I gave him a confused smile

"Who me?" i said confused

"Yes you? I was wondering if you...." he was interrupted by the schools biggest slut of ever

"Hey Mat, baby I thought you was gonna be over here come on." Summer carter said from where he was usually sitting at.

"I guess I'll see you around I guess." he said giving me his hot sexy smirk that makes me want to grab his face and kiss him

"Yeah? I guess" I said look at him walk off and then see Jordan stare at me like I'm crazy

"What?" I said looking a Jordan

"Oh? nothing but he's hot? who was that? " she said still looking at him sitting where summer was while summer is on his lap. oh I wish I was in his lap right now.


Gosh about to settle on this new book hope u like it






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