Crutchy Makes Cookies

Start from the beginning

Davey: People are sleeping, the younger ones are trying to get hold of the cookie dough that you are making cookies with. Where's Jack fit into all of this?

Crutchy: Just come up and we'll talk, okay?

Davey: Okay.

About ten minutes later, Crutchy hears a knock on the door. Since Jack is at work and Race is sleeping, Crutchy gets to be in charge of the apartment for awhile. He opens the door to see Davey and Les on the other side.

"Mornin' fellas!" Crutchy greets his two friends as they come into the apartment.  He holds the cookie dough in the crook of one arm and his crutch in the other.

"Hey, Crutchy," Davey and Les both greet him.  Suddenly, Boots, Tumbler and Elmer materialize at Crutchy's side.

"Crutchy, give us da cookie dough," The three boys pester and Crutchy threatens them with his crutch.

"NO! Jack said no!!!" Crutchy exclaims, "Dis is my cookie dough!"

"I've never seen someone be so possessive of their cookie dough," Davey declares and the boys stare at him in shock. Suddenly, Crutchy gets an idea.

"What if you fellas help me make da cookies?" He asks and Henry, who appears from Crutchy's other side sticks his finger in the cookie dough.

"HENRY!!" Crutchy yells and Skittery yells from the other room,

"The next poirson ta steal Crutchy's cookie dough and wake da rest o us, who'se are just tryin ta get sleep, is gonna get a poirsonal soakin from me."

"Me too!"  Race echoes.

"Count me in!" Mush adds.

"I'se will gladly soak somebody," Kid Blink adds.

"You'se gonna get it from me," Specs says.

"Who evah is doin dat is gonna wish dey hadn't," Albert says and eventually Crutchy calls out,

"I tink dey get it, fellas." The angry shouts from the sleepy boys die down dramatically as they fall back asleep.

"Wow," Davey exclaims, "That was amazing."

"Tank you. I'se tries my hardest," Crutchy answers. Then he turns and starts directing the boys to the cookie recipe. "You two wanna help?" He asks the Jacobs brothers. The two boys nod and Crutchy gathers his cookie helpers behind the counter.

"Okay, I'se gonna give Davey da cookie dough cuz I'se trusts him. Elmer, ya need ta add da chocolate chips, kay?" Crutchy starts telling people what to do around the kitchen. Making cookies was not really a six person task, but Crutchy wanted to involve as many people as he could, so he didn't have to worry about keeping the boys out of the sugar. Davey starts mixing the cookie dough and Les asks a question,

"Crutchy, could we add M&Ms to the cookie dough?" The younger boys begin to reply excitedly.

"OOO, yeah, could we, please, Crutchy? Da oddah boys would love em!" Tumbler begs pulling on Crutchy's sleeve.

"Yea, Jack stress eats M&Ms," Elmer says, "He'd love dese cookies if ya put M&Ms in em." Crutchy rolls his eyes.

"How did ya find dat one out, Elmer?" He asks as he pulls the M&Ms out of the freezer and hands them to Henry.

"We'se seen wid our own eyes, Crutchy," Boots answers, "I've seen im do it myself."

"An' don't tell us Jack don't get stressed," Henry says, "We'se seen dat too." He pauses for a second before holding up the large bag of M&Ms. "So, dese are goin in, right?" Davey and Crutchy exchange looks.

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