(Sabo x Reader) It's Okay

Start from the beginning

"I grew into beta. What does that tell you? I'm capable of taking care of things myself. Including YOU!" You push forth throwing th man off balance enough to escape his grip and strike. You manage to lay a long cut from his stomach to his sides. You twirl your scythe and stand in a defense. The captain stares down at his cut stunned. He dips his fingers into the blood to take a look for himself as if he was in disbelief that you are able to lay a hand on him. His bloody hand balls into a fist. Fury is replaced as you clearly see how red he is with a vein popping out from his temple.

"You wench! You're gonna pay for that." His shirt is torn off his torso. His body grows in size after taking some sort of drug. He turns massive like the size of hulk or Bane. You're taken aback at first, but regain your composure. "You're gonna pay for that little lady. So badly." He punches his palm sending a large pulse of wind. Your body shivers. Never have you ran into such a character. Nonetheless you had to do what you must for your island. Challenges like these were bound to happen. You charge first followed by your opponent letting out a battle cry. You clash against him and everything goes black. Ringing echoes in your ears.

You gasp, abruptly sitting up panting. Once you regain your senses, you scan the room for your whereabouts. You conclude you were not home. You become worried. You search for your weapon or something to take with you during your exploration. Alas you found none. You shrugged. You held shadow powers, yet you were afraid to use them unless necessary. You throw the covers off and head outside. Before walking any further you make sure to look around for anybody passing by. To your luck, there were none. You did that every corner or door you snooped through to get out. You wander around curious as to where you are. There were no windows whatsoever. Just rooms and more rooms with stuff in them.

You turn the corner bumping into someone's chest. You take a step back rubbing your face. You hear a chuckle. An alluring one. You peer up with Rosy cheeks, scowling at the man before you. A tall blonde, shaggy haired man. A burn scar on his left side of his face. You gawk at the man briefly. His smile so charming. You two stare at one another for the longest before a girl with short, orange hair approaches with some papers. She clears her throat grabbing your attention. A shit eating grin plasters on her face. This makes the blonde blush sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. You take a few steps back remembering to put your guard up.

"W-who the hell are you and where am I?" You growl.

"Ah! Sorry to have startled you Alpha. My name is Koala. This here is my partner, and commander in chief Sabo. You're currently in our underground base. We brought you here after your fight against Captain Kappa. You took a blow to the face and ended up unconscious." Koala starts. "Anyways we bring you no harm."

"Yes, in fact we require your help." You raise a brow.

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