(Sabo x Chubby! Reader) Perfection PT. 1

Start from the beginning

"I will never have a chance." You start to sniffle. Eyes start to water as your heart throbs with pain. Sure you wished Koala and Sabo to be happy they were both wonderful people, but you could not help the thoughts bumbling in your head. Your lips start to quiver so you bite them to stop the annoying feeling. You turn before tears could be shed. Just a few steps are taken as you try to sprint only to crash into a fellow rebel mate. You unfortunately stumble onto the rebel's body with a loud 'thud'. Papers scatter everywhere. Two familiar people turn to witness the fall. Sabo and Koala become worried and try approaching your forms to assist. You groan from the pain. The rebel however, growls in irritation. He throws you off harshly after yelling out, "Get off me lard ass!". You stare at the man before you timid and nervous. He stood up while you decided to occupy yourself by picking up the papers. This did not stop the threats and hurtful words being thrown at you. You wanted to punch the man, yet hearing those words from him felt so real to you. You start to drop some tears clenching your fists tightly.

"Why don't you watch where you're going cow! You could have crushed me into pieces you dumb bitch." You mumble a low "Sorry" to which he did not hear. "Hey I'm talking to you! Hey!" He grits his teeth growling. "Why you little-" Before he could lay a hand on you, someone else firmly grips his. You flinched waiting for something only to raise your head after your bully gave a gasp and a gulp. Defending you was none other than Sabo. Your eyes widen at his presence emitting something dark. Fury in his eyes like he could kill a person. It was quite intimidating. The rebel became scared. He was sweating like crazy. You would be too if you had to confront the chief after that unacceptable behavior.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You were about to lay a hand on her even though she said sorry." You gasp. He heard you from far away? "It was an accident okay? You lay a finger on her and I'll make sure you're punished gravely." Every word spewed out, Sabo tightens his grip more and more almost like he was going to snap his arm any minute. Koala kneels beside you taking your attention off of the blonde.

"Y-yes sir! S-sorry sir! It won't happen again."

"Don't apologize to me. You owe this woman an apology and I expect it to be sincere. Got it!?" He snarls on the last part. This made his subordinate flinch with a small whimper. Sabo releases his grip on the man watching him take a bow and shout his apology. It may have sounded like he was scared shitless, but it was enough. The rebel takes his leave after given the 'okay' to do so. You sniffle. Koala rubs your back to try and comfort you.

"Are you okay (Y/n)? Don't worry about that creep he'll get more what he deserves soon." You could only look down and nod starting to pick up the scattered pages. "Here let us help." You pause while the two help recover all the pages. Sure they were all stacked into one pile now, but there were only two copies so it wasn't hard to separate when you get the chance. While Koala picks up the remaining ones a little far away, Sabo notices your shivering form. His heart aches from seeing you so distraught. He places his hand over your back making you startle. A slight blush rises on the blonde. He thought it was cute.

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