Chapter Forty-seven: The Eye of the Dragons

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I wake up with familiar faces surrounding me. I groan, rubbing my head and slowly sitting up. I am on a boat, a Hunter boat, but I see no signs of Hunters around me. What happened? I think back. I had been fighting Viggo and Johann, I jumped onto a mast, and then.. everything had gone dark.

"How are you feeling sleepy head?" asks Astrid. 

"Uh, fine." I look around me. "Did we win?"

"Believe it or not, the Hunters surrendered just when they were starting to win against us," exclaims Tuffnut, waving his arms around as he talked. "Johann and Viggo were severely wounded from some sort of explosion. They said you had destroyed the Dragon Eye and that you're the Eye of the Dragons or something." 

I raise an eyebrow. "Sorry, did you just say I destroyed the Dragon Eye?"

Tuffnut shrugs. "It sure looked like it. You had dust all over you from some sort of explosion." Tuffnut turns serious. "And I know my explosions."

I smile. "So, it's all over?"

"We still need to hide the King of Dragon's egg where no one can find it and imprison Viggo and Johann, but other than that, it looks like the Hunters have disbanded," Hiccup says, smiling as well. "It's hard to believe it's over just like that."

"Well, I for one am glad it's over," says Snotlout. "Too many attacks can mess with my beauty sleep."

No one has anything to say to that.

We fly back to Berk where I am reunited with a worried Blitzfire. I'm so sorry I left you! she sparks. I don't know what came over me!

I smile. "It's fine. I'm okay." 

The vikings of Berk, Berserk, the Defenders of the Wing, another ally of the Dragon Riders I had never before met, and even the Outcasts celebrate the end of the Dragon Hunters. It didn't even matter that there are more Dragon Hunters out there. Everyone is happy.

I am congratulated by more people than I had even met in my entire life. Some even try giving me gifts of thanks, but I decline all of them politely, knowing I'm not staying at Berk for much longer...

After the festivities, I help the Riders move out of the Edge. It seems they are finally done stressing over what is over the horizon. All except Hiccup of course. Grespin and Afternoon help move all of my things to my old island, and Grespin helps Afternoon settle in. Turns out, they aren't too mad at me for being away from them for one and a half months. Apparently, the Terror Mail (without the mail since the dragons themselves could relay the message) that I sent them was enough.

A week after everything has settled down, I exit the hut the Berkians had provided for me and head towards Hiccup's hut. I stop before the door, feeling slightly nervous. Then, I knock.

The door is opened by the chief, my stepfather. "Is Hiccup here?" I ask.

"You're finally doing it?" asks Stoick. I nod my head. He pats me on the shoulder. "Well then lass, I wish you luck." He gestures out the door. "There's Hiccup now." I turn around.

"Hey Draira," he says. A lump forms in my throat. "Is something wrong?"

I swallow. "I'm leaving."

Hiccup pauses, seeming ready to object before his head falls, and he sighs. "When?"

I am momentarily caught off guard. "You're not going to try to get me to stay?"

He shrugs. "I thought it over. I knew you would eventually want to go. When the time was right, there's not anything I can do to prevent you from leaving." He stares into my eyes. "So, when are you leaving?"

I gulp. "Tomorrow morning."

"So soon?"

"I've already stayed too long."

"Fair enough." He runs a hand through his auburn hair. "You'll visit us?"

"I'll probably send you more Terror Mails than anything else." He nods. 

"Well then, I guess all I can do now is wish you luck." 

I smile and quickly hug him, tears welling up in my eyes. "I'll miss you, big brother." He seems surprised by my reaction before tentatively hugging me back. 

"I'll miss you too."

The next morning, I am at the docks with my newly repaired boat. I am loading on the stolen items that I had recently reclaimed from the Hunter ships. 

*"Where will you go?" I turn around from where I'm putting the items in my bag. It's Hiccup who is followed by the other Riders.

I shrug. "I still have so much more to learn.. to explore." I sigh and look across the ocean. "And I can't shake the feeling that there is more to be learned about my heritage." Hiccup nods his head in understanding. I haven't told him about Deathrock yet. I doubt I'll ever need to if I rescue him soon enough.

"Send Terror Mails often?" asks Tuffnut pleadingly. I smile warmly at him, knowing his optimistic attitude is what I would miss the most.

"Of course."

"It's for Chicken of course," explains Tuffnut. "The little backstabber. She has taken a liking to you." He sniffs and wipes at his eyes. "See, look at her; the poor thing." He picks up Chicken who squawks with feeling as well. "She, uh, needs a hug. Not me of course..."

I smile, feeling moisture in my own eyes. "Does anyone notice there's dust in the air?" asks Snotlout, dabbing his eyes. "Because there's a lot of dust in the air." I grin. Even Snotlout's sad to see you go. The voice is sympathetic for once. Did whoever hypnotized me put the voice in my head? Or is it my own thoughts? I sigh. There are still so many things I need to learn about myself. Why Dragon Root affects me, why my memories were erased, why I could destroy the Dragon Eye.*

I hop on my boat. Blitzfire has a rope attached to her back left leg. She had come up with the idea after complaining that my boat is too slow. I look back. More vikings had begun to gather around the dock, waving farewell. More than one had tears in their eyes. "Farewell," I whisper. Then, I unhook the rope connecting my boat to the docks. I'm going to miss them.

You ready? asks Blitzfire. I smile up at her, holding onto the edge of my boat.

"Let's do this." The boat beneath me practically flies off the water as Blitzfire speeds away.

"BYE!" I call out. I would wave, but I'm afraid of falling off.

Before me, Berk slowly disappears past my line of sight. I keep looking for a few minutes more before turning around to face the ocean ahead of me. I had loved spending time with the Riders, with my first true friends and family, but it is now time for a new chapter in my life. 

Through my own eyes.

The End

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