Chapter Three: Attacks

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My eyes open after what seems like only a few minutes of sleep. I see Astrid is awake and sharpening her axe. Faint bags line the bottom of her eyes. Everyone else is still asleep. Astrid's blonde hair is covering most of her face, making it impossible for me to tell what she is feeling.

After a while, Astrid finally notices I am looking at her. She gets up, walking over to me. She stops before she reaches me, her cold blue eyes glaring.

"So.." I say, trying to lighten the mood. "I never caught the name of the Deadly Nadder."

"It's Stormfly," deadpans Astrid, her glare not lessening in the least. At the sound of her name, Stormfly opens one eye to look at her rider. She gets up with a squawk and goes to stand next to Astrid.

"Ok." Awkward silence follows my remark until I continue, "You hungry?" Astrid doesn't reply. "Well, if you are, I'm making omelettes," I say, going over to my food supply. I grab some eggs and some random vegetables and then light a fire. I place a pot over the fire and throw on the eggs. By the time I am adding on the vegetables, Snotlout and Hiccup are starting to wake up.

"Mmm, what's that smell?" asks Snotlout.

"Omelettes," I reply, scooping them onto some plates. "You hungry?"

"Yes, I'm starving," exclaims Snotlout, grabbing a plate. Hiccup comes over and also grabs a plate.

"Astrid, you sure you don't want any?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replies. I shrug my shoulders and grab my own plate.

After we finish eating, Astrid looks at me pointedly. "Right," I say. "I did promise answers, didn't I?" I pause a moment to collect myself. "Well, ask away."

Snotlout starts off. "You trained a ChangeWing? I mean how? Hiccup is the best dragon trainer I know, and he even can't train one!"

"Well, as I said before, I prefer the term befriended," I start. "And as for how? Well, she had a really bad scratch along her side. If I had left her how she was, she wouldn't have made it. I fixed her up good as new, and to return the favor, she protects my home. Of course, I also give her as much fish as she wants..."

Hiccup asks the next question. "What's with that whistle around your neck?"

"Yeah, do you use it to control dragons?" interjects Astrid.

"Well, I certainly don't use it to control dragons." When will they believe that? "In fact, it only works when I'm on this island. That Typhoomerang you saw yesterday? I helped it reach its Titan stage. We've kinda become best buds over the years. When he needs help, I help him, and when I need help, he helps me."

"Well, how do you explain the 'gifts' you get from the dragons?" asks Astrid.

"Well, either the dragons attack me and I get their poison or spines or whatever they throw at me, or they give me a gift in return for helping them."

"That makes sense..." Astrid says slowly. A loud screech from above us prevents further speech. The dragons are instantly alert, growling at the noise. My face pales.

"What is that?" asks Hiccup.

I hurriedly grab some ChangeWing acid and my cloak. I also strap on my daggers, which I had taken off last night. "The island is under attack!" I explain. I run to the entrance of my home and climb up the side, through the trapdoor. Silverthorne is screeching as loud as she can. "Shh, it's ok," I whisper to her, calming her down. I then take off my whistle. Regretting using it again, I blow into it. Grespin roars in the distance. I hurriedly climb up the tallest tree I can find.

Grespin arrives soon after I reach the top. I jump and easily land on his back. "Let's go defend our home," I whisper to him. He roars in response and takes off. Despite the danger, a thrill goes through me as the world drops below us. It is rare I ever get the opportunity to fly atop a dragon.

We fly towards the edge of the island. I hear wing beats behind me and turn to see the riders following me and Grespin. I smile to myself and face the approaching sea. My smile slips off my face as I see who is attacking my island.

"Dragon Hunters..." I hear Hiccup whisper. Sure enough, around ten Dragon Hunter ships are coming our way.

"How?" I ask. "How did they find my island?"

"Who cares?" asks Snotlout. "I've been dying for a little action." He and Hookfang charge towards the ships, letting loose a torrent of fire. To no one's surprise, the ships are dragon-proof.

"I have an idea," I murmur, a plan forming in my head. Something in me wants desperately to impress the Riders. "Cover me." I swoop towards the ships, keeping Grespin out of the range of their arrows. "Grespin, keep attacking the ships," I tell him. He bobs his head in response. I have him swoop near the decks of one of the ships. I crouch, preparing to jump off. Once Grespin is close enough, I leap off him, landing smoothly on the deck.

The Hunters seem surprised, and I use that to my advantage, quickly taking out my daggers. The Hunters laugh. One of them says, "Oh no, I'm so scared. It's a little girl with kitchen knives" The Hunters laugh some more.

A genuine smile plasters onto my face. The Hunters stop laughing. "Trust me," I say. "These aren't just kitchen knives." I leap onto the first Hunter, lightly tapping him with my dagger. His body goes rigid as an electric shock travels through him. I wince a little as he flips to the ground. The poor guy would probably have a headache when he woke up.

The other Hunters attack, still not realizing how deadly my daggers are. I dispatch the first one's sword and tap him with my dagger. He falls to the ground next to his companion. I weave past each of the Hunters, each time making sure to only daze them, and not cause permanent damage.

Finally, there is only one out of the eight Hunters left. He takes one look at my daggers and jumps off the side of the boat. I go below deck to make sure no one else is there. Once I have, I take my spheres of ChangeWing acid and scatter them throughout the boat. I then call for Grespin. He eagerly picks me up in his talons and sets the boat on fire. Mini explosions erupt throughout the boat as the ChangeWing acid is released. The acid eats through the boat, and it slowly sinks below the water.

I congratulate myself on the lucky victory, moving onto the next boat. I jump off Grespin and prepare to fight the Hunters. Having seen what I did with the last ship, they back away, uncertain at how they should deal with me. A couple of the archers are on this boat. They start to fire green tipped arrows at me. I avoid them by ducking behind a crate. For some reason, the arrows make me feel uncomfortable, as though I should remember something bad about them. I shake the feeling and focus back on the fight.

Some of the Hunters start to back away even more, but one of them says, "Cowards, we outnumber her twenty to one! Get her!" This gives the Hunters the boost of encouragement they need. They charge at me, and I prepare to fight. Then, I hear Grespin roar out in pain and fury. I glance at him and see he has one of the green tipped arrows in his side. At first, I am confused. Why would a puny arrow be able to take down a Typhoomerang? Then, I curse at myself. Of course! I think. Those are dragon root arrows!

Time seems to slow as Grespin falls from the sky. I hear someone screaming; it is probably me. My heart is ripping apart in my chest as Grespin falls into the water. Dragon proof nets come out of the ships, capturing my beloved friend. I'm so focused on Grespin, that I don't notice the arrow until too late. I try jumping out of the way, but it hits me on my arm. I cry out in pain as the arrow buries itself deep into my shoulder.

My head starts to get fuzzy and I can't think straight. Fury fills me and I attempt to attack the Hunters in front of me. I only knock one before I fall to the ground, coordination escaping my grasp. I look up and see more Rider bearing dragons in the distance. I laugh at myself as I slip into semi-consciousness. How I wish what I see could be true...

Through A Dragon's Eye (A Httyd Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant