Chapter Thirty-four: Tour

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Gobber starts with the basics. "This is Gothi's hut." I glance back at the house on the cliff and nod. "This is Stoick's place, and Hiccup's when he was a wee lad." I look at the modest hut, not as bright and colorful as the ones at Dragon's Edge. "That's the Arena next to Sven's farm." The domed arena reminds me of the one the Dragon Hunters had, and I shiver despite myself.

"You don't hurt dragons there.. right?" I ask.

"Of course not! I mean, we used to, but not since Hiccup trained Toothless." Gobber is quick to correct me. "Ooh, that's the main part of the village, with my smithery right there, and that's the Great Hall where we have our meetings and have meals."

"That's handy to know," I murmur, watching the huge building built into the mountain as we fly by. I also study the blacksmiths, remembering my fond memories of the place when I was younger.

"And last, but not least, there are the ports!" I squint down at the ships.

"Wait a minute... Is that Trader Johann?!" I exclaim, peering even more closely at the boats.

"Aye! So it is!" Gobber turns to look at me. "You know him?"

"He was one of my first.." I pause. "..allies." I turn to Gobber. "Are we done with the tour?"

"Why, it would seem we are." Gobber grins, his bottom teeth sticking out more than the others. "If you need anything, I'll be in me shop."

"Thanks!" I pat Blitzfire. "Let's go introduce you to Johann." We fly down and land on the docks right next to Johann's boat.

"Johann!" I hail him from my perch on Blitzfire even as I start to slide down the Skrill's back.

Johann starts and quickly turns to face me. "Miss Draira?" He holds his arms wide open as a smile spreads across his face. "Oh dearie me, it is you!"

"Hey Johann," I say, grinning and finally setting my one foot and crutches on the floor. "How've you been?"

"Splendid. Absolutely splendid. Thank you for asking." He stares at my leg. "And, might I ask, how are you doing on this magnificent day?"

"Oh, yes. The leg." I grimace. "A Hunter did this to me." The strangest expression crosses Johann's face as I say this: a mixture of hurt, surprise, relief, concern, anger, and fear. "Luckily, I'm ok, but the Dragon Root has done a number on my head."

"Miss Draira, forgive me for being so abrupt, but I think, if it's a headache, it is probably caused by a lack of blood."

I smile grimly. "That's what I would've thought too if I hadn't already been affected by minute bits of Dragon Root before I was stabbed... Almost like how dragons are affected.

"Ah, I see. That is.. peculiar." He frowns slightly. "Do you know why this is?" I shake my head no. He shakes his head. "Well, I will try and look into it for you Miss Draira. In the meantime, could you tell me what inspired this incident with your leg?" He looks over my shoulder. "And, dear heavens, is that a Skrill?"

I laugh. "Yes. That's my dragon, Blitzfire. I rescued her from Viggo, although she says she's known me longer..."

"Wait, Viggo? As in Viggo Grimborn?"

"The very one." I limp over and sit down in a chair near Johann. "You might want to sit down for this one. It's a long story..."

I start from the very beginning when I had first met the Dragon Riders and shown them my home. Then, I go on to describe how I had been shot and, when I woke up, arrived at Dragon's Edge. Next, I tell about my trip to my island and explain why I had needed his help before in the number of dragons in the auction. After that, I detail how badly the plan had gone, although also explaining my first encounter with Blitzfire, me getting captured, and me escaping with Afternoon and a new headache from another Dragon Root arrow. Soon after, I narrate how I met Carn, the whole Loki Day kidnapping that ended up with me being willingly put in a cell. Finally, I skip over my trip to Vanaheim, going straight to the part where the twins get captured, I get the Riders to save them, and I get stabbed in the leg while rescuing them.

"And then," I croak, feeling my voice dying out from so much talking. "I woke up here four days later with no memory of flying here and two strangers watching over me to make sure I healed."

"Wow," Johann says, shocked. "Miss Draira, I have been on many an adventure with quite a bit less on my plate. The fact that you pulled this off and are still in one piece is beyond my own skill."

"Thanks, Johann. Your stories inspired me to do greater things."

Johann wrings his hands. "Ah. Well, I thank you for your compliment Miss Draira." He looks past me, and his eyes widen. "Ah, Stoick! How may I assist you?" Stoick? I shift so I can see the chief of Berk. He is not like anything I was expecting. Unlike Hiccup, he is tall, buff and has a flaming red beard that makes him look like the typical viking, not even including the helmet on his head and the heavy armor like clothes on his body.

His voice too contains very stereotypical vikingness, being loud and booming with a touch of laughter and a dash of seriousness. "Actually, I'm here for Draira." I look into his green eyes that are so much like Hiccup's, and yet somehow so different than my own.

"That would be me," I say.

"Yes lass, I know." I tilt my head at the expression on his face. He clears his throat, and his vulnerability is cleared away. "I hope you don't mind, I want to talk to you about something."

I nod my head. "Ok." I turn to Johann. "See you later?"

"Of course Miss Draira! It was pleasant talking with you about your marvelous adventures!"

I smile. Then, I slowly get to my feet. "Is it ok if I fly? Doctor's orders."

"Of course lass. Wouldn't want you getting hurt," Stoick responds. I painstakingly make my way onto my dragon and Stoick goes onto his colorful Rumblehorn. "You ready?" I nod my head in affirmation, and we take off into the sky.


Two chapters in one day! To be honest, this chapter and the one before were finished four days ago, but I'm going on vacation next week and wanted to make sure I wasn't stressing to get in a chapter next weekend, but instead, I ended up making an extra chapter!

I forgot to mention this, but, as tags go, this book is number one out of 114 books for the tag #racetotheedge! I know I say this practically every Author's Note, and I'm sure it's getting cheesy but thank you guys so much for the support on this book. Every comment and like lightens my heart when I see them and, though I may not respond to every comment, I read every one of them.

Thanks again!

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