Chapter Six: Back to the Roots

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I arrive at the Edge when the sun is dipping below the horizon. I climb my way up to the middle hut, which the twins had called the clubhouse. Hiccup is the only one there, pouring over some maps. "Hey," I say. He jumps, startled and turns to look at me.

"Oh, it's you," he says with a relieved sigh. He turns back to the maps and I look at them as well. They are covered with scribbles and patterns. I realized it is writing. I had never learned how to read, so the symbols are confusing. Hiccup starts talking out of the blue, "The Dragon Hunters are being really discrete, we were hardly able to find any of their ports. But, we did find out that they're having an auction two days from now right here," he says, pointing at an island close to the one I had first seen the Dragon Hunters. "We're thinking it would be the perfect way to strike at the Hunters and get your dr... I mean Grespin back."

I nod my head. "Do you have a way to get in?"

He sighs. "Not yet. Last time we did something like this, we used Snotlout as a decoy. But, I'm worried that one of the Dragon Hunters may recognize him. Plus, I don't think my dad would let us use Berk's money again."

"Wait, your dad?" I ask confused.

"Oh, yeah. He's Stoick the Vast, Cheif of Berk," Hiccup explains.

"Cool." We sit in silence, Hiccup continuing to gaze over the maps. An idea slowly starts to form in my mind. "Let's say you had a person to get in. How much money would they need?" I ask slowly.

"Well, unless you have a couple pounds of gold stored up, you're not getting in."

I smile, knowing suddenly where I could get some gold. "Let me worry about that. You just start planning how I can get into the auction." Hiccup nods uncertainty. I turn and start to walk out when I remember my boat. "Uh, you didn't happen to bring my boat, did you?" I ask, turning back around.

"Oh, yeah. It's near the edge of the island," he replies, already focused on the maps again. I nod and head out again. I search the edge of the Edge until I find my boat. Luckily, it's still in top condition. I board it and immediately sail off. Below deck, I count how much gold I have. "Only two pounds," I murmur to myself. Of course, that is more gold than any normal viking could ever hope to get. But, for my current situation, I still need about three pounds more.

I first go to the Northern Markets. I sell a few more of my dragon wares, all the while waiting for Trader Johann. He finally arrives and I sigh in relief. "Ah, Miss. Draira. Haven't seen you in a while," he says. "And by 'a while' I mean since you took off with the Dragon Riders. How may I be of assistance?"

"I need as much gold as you can spare and some information," I say quickly.

"Well, how much do you need?" he asks.

"I need around a pound in gold," I reply.

"Hmm.. if you still have some Fireworm nectar, that would do, added with a couple of Razorwhip spines of course...."

"Deal," I say. I take out three combs of Fireworm nectar and a couple spines of a Razorwhip. I had figured he might want them. "Now, how much for the information?"

"Well, depending on its value, I may just give it to you for free! As a token of our years of service with one another."

"Thank you Johann. I just want to know how many dragons are in this auction the Hunters are doing."

Johann strokes his chin thoughtfully. "Well, that is very classified information. Of which, of course, I can provide. I'd say around a hundred or so."

"Thanks Johann," I say, saluting him.

"Any time Miss. Draira," he replies. I head to my boat and set sail again. This time, I head East. I sail for only a short time before arriving. Home. Well, home before it was burned to the ground...

I remember almost nothing of that day. The only things I do remember are the arrows. The flaming arrows flying out of the sky. And my father. His kind gentle voice urgently telling me to go hide. And the dragon. The mighty dragon had swooped down, injured and I had saved him/her. That dragon changed my life. I had saved him/her and had sworn from then on to always do everything in my power to help dragons. At least I could save them. I only wish I could've saved my family...

The place had so many memories. Too many. I have only come here once, to explore. But, the island has nothing on it. Even the dragons have moved. Eventually, the pain of the memories forced me to never return, to forget. But, I never really forgot. And the one thing I know is here is the one thing I need. Gold. There was a lot of it left behind. I never took it, thinking it would be like stealing. But now, for the sake of the dragons, I will take it. I will only use it for that, nothing more. I will return it afterwards. I had promised myself at least that much.

I dock my boat and go onto the island. The place is barren and desolate, devoid of any life. I walk slowly, nervous about how much noise my footsteps are making. I walk past a burnt building. Shrubs are growing over its lumpy form, but I can still recognize what it used to be. The Blacksmiths. A memory flashes through my mind. Looking at a great blue lighting dragon, scared at being caught, but too entranced to care. I blink and the memory disappears. I sigh and keep going.

I see a huge tree on my left. Although it is definitely not as tall as it once was, it still bears a majesty and height beyond that of a normal tree. More memories flash through my mind. Playing on the lower branches of the tree. Seeing dragons rest on the very tops of the trees and climbing higher to get a better look at them. My father, scaring them away and scolding me, telling me how dragons are nasty vicious creatures, not to be looked at, only scared away or killed. The memory ends and I sigh, continuing on.

I finally find what I had been looking for, a cave that holds the gold. Are you sure you want to do this? I ask myself. I sigh. I have to. I stroll nervously into the cave that holds my memories and fears...

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