Chapter Eighteen: A New Home

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While Hiccup gives Carn a tour around the Edge, I catch up with Grespin with the Skrill as his translator. Surprisingly, the two have actually already met, so I have no need for any introductions between the two.

It is thrilling to actually talk with Grespin, even if it is through the Skrill. Our conversation carries on for at least an hour. I describe in detail my experiences with the Dragon Riders, and he narrates the horrors that he saw while in captivity.

Then, I give Grespin a tour. He loves it just as much as I thought he would. The whole island has a sort of homey feel, and he fits right in. He even finds a cave with Afternoon where they could temporarily stay. Unfortunately, he also mentions that he missed our island and would be leaving soon to go back there.

After leaving Grespin to do his own thing, I visit the other Riders in the Clubhouse, which apparently is the name of the big building in the center of the Edge. As I walk in I notice Snotlout and Carn are missing. "Hi guys! Where's Carn?"

The Riders look up as I start talking, and Hiccup responds, "Snotlout decided to give him a more elaborate tour of the island."

I roll my eyes, mutter, "Of course," and sit down next to the twins.

Noticing they are pointedly staring at Hiccup and making hand motions at him I ask, "Ok, what do you want to ask me?"

"How did you know we wanted to ask you something?" stutters Fishlegs. I roll my eyes and motion towards the twins who are still clearing their throat whilst looking at Hiccup. "Oh, right."

Hiccup looks at Astrid with a question in his eyes and she nods gesturing for him to ask me the question. "Well, we were wondering that since you don't have a real home that you might want to become a Dragon Rider and live here?"

I'm sure my eyes started to sparkle as delight fills me. "Really? You mean it?" He nods, and I practically burst in relief and excitement. Maybe... maybe I can finally have a real home... "Of course!" I manage to say.

"Great!" says Tuffnut. "We'll show you your hut."

I smile. "You guys have already made a hut for me?"

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind," says Hiccup, running a hand through his hair. "The twins got excited when we started considering asking you to join us and started building your hut when you went to your hometown island."

"Oh.. ok." The twins pull me outside and get on their dragons. After getting on the Skrill, I follow them.

As we fly, Ruffnut shouts, "So, what's the Skrill's name?" I think about the question for a minute realising I had never asked the Skrill what her name is.

"Yeah, what is your name?" I ask her quietly.

Well, I have a name, but I want to see if you can guess it. She gives the dragon equivalent of a smirk in my direction.




Definitely No.




Now you're not even trying.

A name starts to emerge in my mind as we start to descend. "How about Blitzfire?" I ask.

She croons happily. Yep! You do remember!

As I get off the newly... already?... named Skrill, I say to Ruffnut. "Her name is Blitzfire."

"Cool name." She looks at me and quickly comes behind me and covers my eyes. "No peeking." She leads me up what seems like a very rocky hill. Or maybe the mountain?

Finally, Ruffnut uncovers my eyes, and I look upon my newly made hut. The outside is made of dragon-proof material and is decorated with a mixture of white, black, and gold paints. Above the doorway is my dragon symbol with a white background a gold ring around it. The door itself is not like any door I had ever seen. Instead of opening sideways and being made out of wood, it opens upwards and is made of metal. I experiment​ with the door for a little before turning to the inside. Most of the inside is empty, probably so that I could decorate it however I want to. Unlike Hiccup's hut, it only has one story and, as such, the roof is very high. The walls are covered with a smooth cloth. I trace the pattern of the cloth carefully, admiring the golden stitches on the black fabric. I know I'll probably stare at them all night.

Coming back outside, I walk over to the twins. "Isn't it awesome?!" asks Tuffnut with a goofy grin.

I smile. "It's amazing. Thanks guys."

"One could even call it exquisite," says Ruffnut as they walk towards their dragon.

"Indeed dear sister." I smile and shake my head in disbelief. I'll never understand those two.

I turn to Blitzfire who is inspecting my house curiously. I think the roof has a landing pad on it. she observes. It's also quite roomy. Could I sleep up there instead of the stables?

"You're not leaving?" I ask in surprise.

She turns to me and tilts her head. Of course not.

I sigh in relief. A large part of me had been dreading the day when she decided she didn't want to stick around any longer. Is this the bond the Riders were talking about? I kinda hope so. I can't be a Rider if I don't ride a dragon. And besides, I look at Blitzfire. If I were to ride any dragon, I would want it to be her. As I realize this, a sort of peace comes over me. I had never really wanted to confine either Afternoon or Grespin to something like this, they were practically wild dragons. But, with Blitzfire, it feels like we are long lost friends from a distant time and age. She did seem more "vikingnized".

"Can I..." I feel awkward saying it. "Can I be your Rider?"

Luckily, I don't have to explain to her what I mean. Of course. She bows her head at me, and a spark of lightning comes off her forehead and onto mine. For a minute, pictures fill my head, a sort of Deja Vu moment, and I remember my first meeting with the Skrill. A moment later, the only thing I can remember is that I had met her. Why do I keep forgetting? Is this a coincidence? I sigh, trying to conceal my surprise from Blitzfire. Whatever is happening to me, I'm going to do everything in my power to fix it...

Through A Dragon's Eye (A Httyd Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя