Sixteen: Man to Man

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M O N D A Y | A U G U S T

DOCTOR FOSSIL walked into my room with a big grin on his face and a lot of good news.

"You're lung has healed very well, George." He chirped happily. Now normally, I would be grumpy about his ability to be so cheerful, (god damn morning people) at 8:30am but I didn't really care too much this time. "We've scheduled your tube removal Tuesday. We've notified your mother, Claire Littleton, and informed her of planning to discharge you Wednesday."

I was ecstatic. Finally, I'm getting out of this godforsaken place. Although, I did have the hospital to thank for meeting Mila, and fate. I pulled out my phone after Dr. Fossil left and texted Mary and Sam.

8:33am- Me: HAUILHGHA
8:34am- Sammy Wells: What?
8:34am- Me: getting the tube out soon and getting discharged Wednesday.
8:35am- Sammy Wells: YAYA, imma come visit.

8:36am- Maryyy: SAM JUST TOLD ME
8:36am- Maryyy: YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY
8:37am- Me: Ik really happy considering it's 8:37 in the morning. Why are you up anyway?
8:38am- Maryyy: its 8:38 now, but I had a rough night. Lots of nightmares.
8:38am- Me: awww:((

I grinned, I can't wait to tell Mila.


SAM HAD arrived at nine-ish for, what it seemed like, to bug the shit out of me.

He'd walked in, Dairy Queen Blizzards in hand, grinning saying they were both for him and that if I gave him money he would get me one. Then I laughed and he pulled his fake serious face and said, "seriously". To which I told him he was a douche bag and snatched one from his hand.

It was cookie dough, my favourite.

We ate them happily while we talked about random stuff and joked around. Just like the good old days.

"Fin could probably pay a visit, wouldn't hurt him." I say, remembering that I haven't seen Fin all summer. Sam shrugged.

"He's been studying a lot for auto, hoping to get a full time job to actually fix cars instead of dealing with the finance of it and occasionally fixing one up." Sam explained while shoving some of his Oreo Blizzard in his mouth. I chewed on a cookie dough piece from mine.

"Makes sense. He could own, Ralphs, make it Fin's." I say chuckling. Sam nodded. And then we fell into a comfortable silence.

Then Sam spoke again.

"So what are you going to do when you get out? You still got like a week left of summer." He asked. I though about it. What would I do? Sam started chuckling. "We should go back to that lake, bring Mary."

I smiled. I remember when Sam and I found hidden hideouts around this town. We went on adventures a lot, but when I got stuck here we clearly couldn't do that. I missed one on one time with Sam.

I thought about this summer, how it was suppose to be the best summer yet, spend time with Sam and Mary, play volleyball. I got to hang out with Sam and Mary, but it's not the same when you're practically bound to a hospital bed with a tube stuck up your side.

I finished my ice cream and took a shot at the garbage across the room. I missed.

"Stick to volleyball, Littleton." He said tossing his and actually making the shot. I make a face at him while he laughed with accomplishment. "Haha! Sucker!"

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