Two: Homophobia is Gay

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W E D N E S D A Y | J U L Y
"Claiming someone's relationship is against your religion is like being mad at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet."

MY FATHER will return home in two hours and I'm not prepared for him to see my lip ring.

Jack didn't stop fussing about it at breakfast today and I was about ready to kill him myself. Mom is finally able to sleep in and rest, her boss finding another replacement, while my dad is gone for another day to settle back home. Jack and I decided to surprise her with some eggs and bacon like she has for the past few weeks.

The only thing is that neither of us can cook. I mean, scrambled eggs aren't hard to make at all, I just haven't made them in a while. Plus Jack is like a five year old wanting to do everything without actually knowing what to do. He's cracked five eggs and only one of them when into the pan.

Finally, after a few tries, we had scrambled eggs, bacon and her pomegranate juice that she loves on a tray and were carrying it up to her room. Jack literally giggled all the way there.

"Shut up, she'll hear us," I hiss clamping my hand over his mouth. He carried the tray carefully and as I went to push the open the door Jack licked my hand.

"Gross! Why'd you do that, Jack!?" I whisper- Shout. He made a face and pressed his finger to his lips.

"She'll hear us," he mocked. We walked into her room where she slept curled up in a ball. I could see the bags under her eyes and I felt bad. I leaned down and shook her softly. She groaned and opened her eyes groggily.

"Georgie? JJ?" I heard Jack scowl lowly at our mothers nickname for him. "What time is it? Have I slept in too late?"

"No, ma, we made you breakfast!" Jack grinned holding up the tray. Her face lit up, and she sat up, taking the tray and hugging us both. "Hope it's good, we tried really hard, George had trouble cracking the eggs."

"That was such a lie, you little—"

"Watch it, Georgie!" He interrupted gleefully, skipping out of the room. My mom chuckled beside me as I rolled my eyes and fought back the urge to flip him off.

"I swear I'm going to kill him one day," I say quietly under my breath. I pecked my mom on the cheek before heading downstairs. "Oh yeah, good morning, momma."


"WELCOME HOME, love," my mom greeted, as my father appeared through the front door.

"Thank you, dear," he smiled tiredly. He hugged her and pecked her lips, as she disappeared into the office probably to phone a client or something. He turned towards us. "Hello, Jackson, George." He said, as I tensed.

"Hi, dad," I say trying not to draw too much attention to my lip. He patted us both on the shoulder before he dropped his briefcase and walked over to the couch. "How was the business trip?"

"Tiring," he said truthfully, collapsing on the couch letting out a breath. "I was running around everywhere, and the hotel was a little crappy." I laughed lightly, he's always been picky about hotels. It didn't matter if it was us on vacation, or if he was on a business trip, he had to feel somewhat at home. I didn't blame him.

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