Fifteen: Family Drama

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S A T U R D A Y | A U G U S T

"RISE AND SHINE, buddy," are the exact words that I woke up to this Saturday morning. Who's words, you ask? Samuel Wells'.

"Thank you, for visiting me at—8:00am." I groaned as I sat up. He just grinned as I glared and plopped down into the chair near my bed. My eyes landed on Mary as she chuckled and sat on his lap, Sam immediately wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.

Cute, but also gag.

"Well, your life just got better now that I'm here. You should be thanking me you sarcastic bastard." Sam said pretending to be insulted. Mary rolled her eyes and hit him upside the head for me. He pouted and stood, bringing Mary with him as he threw her over his shoulder and smacked her thigh playfully. 

"Hey! We agreed, no PDA, and no mushy couple shit around me. I'm not up to being a third-wheel." I quipped, restating the deal we all agreed on the last time they visited. I remember it being fun, but it was annoying when Sam would pause the game of cards to kiss Mary. She smacked his back and he let her back on her feet and grinned down at her lovingly.

He's so whipped.

"Sorry, George." Mary said pushing Sam off her as she sat down on the edge of my bed. Sam pouted again, and slumped back into the chair pulling out his phone. "We brought you some of my mom's pasta dish from last night."

"Thanks, Mary." I say taking the container and setting it on my side table. Her phone buzzed and she took it out of her pocket and looked down at it. Her head snapped up to glare at Sam.

"Suck it up, Sam," she shook her head at him. He looked up from his phone and frowned.



"What is going on?" I ask, intervening on their little argument. She laughs and lays down next to me, making Sam frown more. Mary stuck her tongue out at him and turned back to me.

"Smile," She grinned pointing her camera at us, I smiled, despite being confused and she snapped the photo, captioned it 'Get well soon, Georgie' with a heart emoji and an upside down smiley face. She hit post and Sam left the room quickly.

Mary sighed, smirking.

"He's grouchy this morning because I refused to lay in bed with him all day, and that I decided to lay down next to you after he asked me over text to come back to him." She stated, now chuckling slightly. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Of course. He does know he has nothing to be jealous for right?" I asked as she switched sides so that she could lay down properly with disturbing my tube. "I mean, he's my best friend, and your like my sister, that would be like incest."

"Technically, George, it would not be anything like incest, but I understand, you're like a brother to me too." I yanked at her hair lightly just to bug her as she check another text probably from Sam. "Sam's just being difficult. I love him but he's a pain in my ass sometimes."

I chuckled, "I can imagine, that's the only thing that's good about being cooped up in this hell hole; not having to deal with his shit."

And the fact that there's a gorgeous peach haired girl only a few floors above me.

I mean, what?

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