"You're always welcome to hang out with us, Kaia," she told me, rubbing my arm. "I can teach you how to dance like I have been Jimmy and Jey,"

"That'd be fun," I laughed softly, peering over at her wide smile.

"Maybe you should take time off and go on a vacation, or something. Me and the Total Divas girls went to Lake Tahoe. It's really pretty," she suggested, pulling it her phone to show me pictures.

"I should do something rather than sit and be sad all the time," I nodded, leaning my head on my hand.

"Things'll get better. Don't worry..."

two weeks later

No one had been able to get ahold of Dean since SummerSlam. He flew home, and wasn't seen again. He wouldn't return anyone's phone calls or texts, except for once.

From: Dean
I am fine. You need to tell everyone to calm the fuck down and leave me alone.

I walked around the arena we were at, getting ready to interview whoever was standing in my corner. I fixed my hair and quickly stood next to Becky Lynch, who proudly held the SmackDown Women's title on her shoulder.

"Go ahead," the camera man said.

"Becky, congratulations on winning the SmackDown Women's Championship two weeks ago at SummerSlam, and successfully defending it tonight. How are you feeling about being the fighting champion you've wanted to be?" I asked, smiling over at her.

"Y'know, Kaia, beating Carmella, not just once, nor twice, but three times in the last two months has bee absolutely amazing. Everyone was begging for someone to shut her up, and I'm glad I was the one who did the honor," she smirked, holding the belt tightly.

"Do you have anyone you'd like to face in the near future for the title?" I asked before Colby and Trinity ran up, trying to get the director to cut the shot. He gave me the signal to wrap it up before I looked back to Becky.

"Mm.. Not really. They can send anyone my way and I will retain," she said confidently before laughing.

"Well, thank you, Becky, and good luck on any future title matches you may have," I smiled before she thanked me and the camera man cut the scene.

"Kaia, we need to go," Colby said sternly, rushing to grab my arm and pull me towards the exit. He had both of our bags, one on his shoulder and mine rolling behind him, as he pulled me roughly away.

"What the fuck? Why?" I asked, digging my heels into the ground as I stopped him.

"We have to go to Las Vegas. D-Dean overdosed last night and is in the hospital," Colby said, pulling me forwards. My jaw dropped as I stopped again, my hand moving to cover my mouth as tears filled my eyes.

"Wh-What?" I asked, my breath hitching in my throat.

"H-He took too many of the muscle relaxers. His friend stopped by and found him unresponsive on the kitchen floor," Colby explained quickly, tears forming in his own eyes.

"I love you, Kaia. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Trinity said, pulling me into a hug. Tears immediately spilled over after she let me go and I followed Colby quickly to the car, where Joe drove us to the airport.

9:40 PM, Las Vegas

I cried almost non-stop on the flight. How could he overdose? Did he do it on purpose? Accidental? How long was he passed out before his friend showed up? Is he okay? Is he even alive right now?!

"You've got to compose yourself, Kaia," Colby told me after we caught a ride to the hospital.

"I'm scared," I said breathlessly as I wiped the tears away on the inside of Dean's leather jacket.

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