Chapter 16-Revenge

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Kylo stood in front of the army. "Men, we are in a battle for the galaxy. The resistance is weak and unfortunate. They are a pitiful band, wipe them out. Find their leaders and bring them to me." He ordered. 

Rey stood next to him. "Find the one who calls himself Finn and the other Poe." She looked into each and every eye. "No harm comes to either."

"General." They exchanged bows with General Hux. He nodded to them as well and then turned back to his army. 

Rey looped her arm in Kylo's. "Lovely speech darling." She smiled at him.

"Why thank you love." He looked at her. "I am going to kill the one who let you down and took you from me." His hand clenched and the darkness swept over them. 

"You will do no such thing." She stopped. "As much as I hate Finn at this moment, there will be no deaths." 

"I will think about it." He looked around at the guards.

"Your majesty." A trooper came forward. "You and the Lady's presence are requested in the throne room by the Queen Mother." 

Kylo nodded and extended his arm to Rey. She slipped her hand in his and they walked to the throne room. 

"Mother." Kylo kissed her extended hand. 

"My son." She smiled. "I am afraid I will not be here much longer." 

"No." Rey cried out. "No you can't leave." 

"I will not be gone forever. I will remain with you always." She smiled. "I must retire to my room. I feel faint." 

"Mother." Kylo whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too my son." She kissed his bent head. "Take care of Rey. Please."

"Yes mother." He cried. 

Rey gave Leia a final hug and then the aging woman walked (with assistance) to her apartments. Rey buried her head in Kylo's chest. Silent tears stained her face. Kylo tipped her chin to look at him. 

"Rey." He gently cupped her face in his hands. "Love, she will be with you forever." 

Rey sniffed and smiled slightly. "You are right. We have things to deal with, and she is not gone yet." 

He pressed a light kiss to her lips and then offered her his arm. They walked to the thrones and sat. The ginger haired General walked up to them after a while. 

"We have engaged the Resistance in a scuffle." He gave a quick bow. "Termination is immediate."

"Bring the leaders to us. The rest may die." Kylo waved his hand. 

"And the leaders?"

"After questioning, their minds will be wiped and they will be sent to a slave encampment on Mustafar. So the Empress and I can keep an eye on them." 

"Yes my lord." Hux bowed. "I heard the Queen Mother is ill."

"Yes. She is in her rooms recovering." Kylo explained. Rey sat quietly and put together. She had her veil up over her eyes and her tiara glistened. 

"I am sorry." Hux placed his hand over his heart. "Leia was always nice to me." He let his mask slip slightly and Rey could have sworn she saw a tear. But then the mask was back up and he bowed then walked out of the room. 


"General, the resistance is gone. We have the leaders." A com came through. 

"Good, bring them to me. The Emperor and Empress wish to see them." Hux smirked. Oh they had no clue what new world of pain they were about to go through. 

"Yes sir." The com cut and the bridge went back to work. 

"Notify the Emperor, his bait is set." 


Rey moved her leg slightly. Her gown shifted around her and then went still. Kylo's head was bent over a document. His eyes lit up slightly and then went back down. She quietly moved so her hand could brush his. 

"Love, please." She whispered. 

He lifted his head. "Please what?"

"Do not hurt them to badly."

"I intend to make them remember that they are nothing, but you are priceless." He smirked and turned back to his holopad. 

"Ky." She begged. 

"Rey, there will be no discussions. I have decided. We may not give them a full memory wipe, but enough that they will not remember a resistance. They will become servants of the New Order."

"Yes." She backed down and turned in her throne. 

The doors opened and General Hux flanked by troopers stalked into the room. 

"General." Kylo acknowledged him. 

"Emperor, these are the prisoners you requested." The troopers threw Finn and Poe to the ground. 

They tried to brace their falls but nothing could save them now. They both heaved in a deep breath. 

"Monster." Poe muttered. 

"Oh, Captain Dameron, I will have you know the monster is the one who will be deciding your fate." Hux kicked his ribs. 

Kylo motioned for them to come forward. He stood from his throne and towered over them. "So these were the great resistance leaders?" He chuckled. "Pitiful." 

Rey did not allow herself the ability to even glance at them. She kept her eyes trained on Kylo. 

"So, first you kidnap Rey, then you kill us? Original." Finn spat. 

"I am surprised. I thought we had gone over this. I did not kidnap my fiance. She willingly came." Kylo looked at Rey. "Did you not my love?"

"Yes, I came." She smiled at Kylo then rose from her throne as well. 

"Traitor!" Poe screamed. 

Rey pulled her saberstaff out and ignited it. She pointed it at Poe throat. "One more word and I run you through."  

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