Chapter 13-Grandfather?

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In his personal quarters that night, Kylo reached out through the force to see if he could connect with his Grandfather, The great Lord Vader. He tried and tried until something happened.  A shift in the force made Kylo inhale sharply as the wave of the force flushed over him. 

Kylo. The voice whispered. 

Grandfather?  He reached out. 

Yes my son. His grandfather's ghost took form and shape and then he snapped into the room. Kylo looked up startled at him. 

"Lord Vader." He knelt. His grandfather was a young man, dressed in the robes of the Jedi. 

"Rise." Anakin patted his shoulder. He did so and then he and Anakin walked to the window overlooking the stars. 

"Why do you come now?" Kylo watched him from the corner of his eye. 

"You called for me." Anakin jutted his chin out. "Did you not?" 

"Well yeah, but I did not think you would come." He quietly responded. 

"I have seen your Empress. Fiery girl she is." Anakin's lips quirked into a form of a smile. "Kind of like your grandmother." 

"I know." Kylo felt a smirk tugging at his own lips. "She was being trained as a Jedi, when the force decided we were meant to have a bond. I helped her through many things and then she rejected me for a short time, until she discovered who she belongs to." 

"Ah yes, Sheev." Anakin frowned. "I knew the man had a son, but I never knew he had a daughter. If I had I would have tried my best to help her via the force." He hung his head. "Her parents were killed in a brawl. No one knew Sheev had a son, minus me. He was the Chancellor and therefor could have no attachments. But like me he found love and married in secret." 

Kylo smiled and looked out the window. "Rey found out via her Grandfather and she was quit distraught. She called for me and begged me to come for her. I did and I brought mother along too." 

"Leia?" Anakin's brown eyes filled with tears. "She is here?" 

"Yes." Kylo smiled. "Would you like me to call for her?" 

"Very much so. And do call Rey as well." He watched his grandson stride to the com. He pushed the button and his mother's voice came over. 

"You better have a good reason for waking me up like this Benjamin Solo." 

"I do mom. Just come to my room please." 


He pressed Rey's call button. 

"Rey would you meet me in my rooms?"

"On my way." Her sleepy voice was slightly staticy.

He turned back to his grandfather. "They are coming."


Author's Note

Reunion is the next chapter.... Sorry I know I know it is short but I am trying to elongate the story and make it more interesting... Hang on with me we are in  for a ride!! 

See ya next time! 

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