Chapter 15-Questions

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Rey slid on her favorite of her many black gowns. It had slight ruffles and a bit of lace. Kylo knocked on the door. 

"Rey. I have Dameron on." His sweet, deep, dark voice drifted through the hard metal. 

"I am almost finished." She called. She slid a long draping cape over and placed a sparkling tiara on her head. 

She appraised herself in the mirror then she opened the door and walked out. Kylo's mouth dropped slightly at the sight of her. "Beautiful." He commented, extending his arm.

"Thank you." She blushed. He guided her down the long corridor and to the throne room. They took their seats side by side and Rey tucked her train out towards Kylo's feet. He sat in a relaxed position, with his legs crossed and more out to the side. His back was bent slightly and his arms draped regally across his throne. 

"Transfer the Holo to the Throne Room." He commanded. A large holoscreen came up and the worried face of Poe and Finn was seen. 

"Ah Commander Dameron, FN-2187 thank you for joining us." Kylo spat with hate. General Hux stood next to Ren and Leia sat near Rey. 

"Emperor Ren, I offer nothing except beg you for the release of Rey and General Organa." Poe straightened himself.

"They are not held captive here." Kylo's brows rose. "Not in the slightest." He touched Rey's cheek with his fingers and she smiled down at him. She looked straight back at Finn and Poe and then grabbed Kylo's hand and kissed it. He sent her a look of approval and laced his hand in hers. "As you can see, commander, the lady is not being held here against her will." 

He stood and walked to Leia. "Mother, are you being held here against your will?"

"No, my son." She smiled at him and accepted his peck on the cheek. 

Kylo walked back over to his throne and retook his seat. 

"Rey! You couldn't have!" Finn cried out. Rey fastened him with a deathly glare. She tilted her head. 

"Couldn't have what?" She challenged. 

Poe backed away from Finn slightly, as if to say, "you're on your own, bud". Finn looked around and then looked back at the four people in black. 

"How could you? Go against everything you believed in!? Everything that happened to you? How could you forget that the man sitting right next to you tried to kill you, multiple times in fact." He glared at Kylo.

"All has been forgiven." Rey replied. "No one was hurt too badly, minus Kylo's scar, which in a sense was me claiming him." She looked lovingly at the Emperor next to her. His silver circlet shown against his raven hair. 

"But you fought, you believed in the cause." Poe called out.

"No. I fought because I needed too. I left Kylo with hopes of him coming to me. But when I saw that I was miserable with out him, I needed to break and come back. Then I learned some news. I am the granddaughter of a Sith legend." 

"What?" Finn and Poe both exclaimed. 

"I am Reyna Palpatine, daughter to Hannil Palpatine, son of Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, Emperor of the galaxy." She stood to her full height. "I could tell no one, because no one would understand.  Then I remembered, the queen Mother's own father had  been a sith. Kylo's grandfather was a legend. I fled to them."

"The Queen Mother?"

"That would be me." Leia stood and walked to the front. "I decided that it was finally time for me to focus on my son. I am ailing and he needed me. I chose my son, and my future daughter." She looked lovingly at the two. 

"But Leia, the resistance..." Poe held out.

"The Resistance is ill equipped. It would be a suicide mission at this point." She pointed out. "I am removing myself completely from their grasp." 

Poe hung his head. "So this is what it comes to. The Resistance is no more because of a man and a woman's love." 

"Yes, and for good reasoning." Leia pointed out. "Too many have died trying to do nothing. Who is better equipped? The Order. Who is stronger in numbers? The Order. Who has the backing of nearly every rich person in this galaxy and their allegiance? The Order. Who is ruling fairly? Rey and Kylo. It was time." She walked back to her seat. 

"Time." They both sighed. "Time for you maybe but not for us. We will see you on the battle field." 

The holo cut out and Rey stared at Kylo. 

"They did not understand the olive branch we sent out, and so now they will never." 

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