Chapter 11-1st war of many

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Rey stopped next to Kylo. 

"They should be an easy win." She smirked. 

"I don't know my darling." He looked down at his empress. She was practically glowing. She knew what needed to be done. 

Kylo glanced at the agitated Resistance in the woods. Two men stood near the front of the woods and one appeared to be yelling and pointing at Rey. 

The wind blew across the grassy field in front of them. Kylo watched Rey close her eyes and breath deeply. She allowed a soft smile to escape her hard facade and her entire face lit. 

Kylo felt a small smile tug at his mouth. She was lovely. Then the voice of General Hux broke in between them.

"There you are. I thought you had abandoned." He bowed and Rey laughed. 

"No just scoping out the area." Kylo looked at the General. The men exchanged a look. 

"How is the defense system?" They began to talk stratigy. 

"My lady I don't mean to sound bold, but maybe a tunic would be better suited for battle?" Hux looked pointedly at her outfit. 

She laughed. "Oh of course." 

The general's confused look faded and he cracked a small smile. "To be assured my lady, you would be uncomfortable." 

Kylo watch the general loosen up slightly. He had never actually seen Hux smile. He shrugged it off slightly and turned back to the map. "I say we attack from this angle." He moved their army slightly. Rey held her saber staff tightly. "Or we could round from behind and completely over take them from the back." He moved the figurines around. 

"I think we could surround them and cut them off. There are only what 15 guys left, and then us. Millions of troops. Air crafts, machine guns, everything and anything." Hux smashed his hand on the table. "We have resources and allies. They would be stupid to pull any thing." 

"Well we need to move fast or not move at all." Rey's eyes were saddened slightly. "I vote we should mercy. If there are any survivors, we take them as prisoners." 

Kylo looked at the small woman by his side. Did she really care for them that much? "OK. We will give them a chance to swear allegiance. If they do not make a change of alliances then they will die."

Rey's hands tightened and she whispered, "Yes my lord." Her light was crying for peace and darkness was crying for war. Her light slowly gave up, and the dark light entered her eyes. 

She kissed Kylo on the mouth and then strode to the shuttle. She walked on and her ladies maids circled her and helped her out of her gown and head dress. She slid into a black tunic and nickers, she threw on a pair of black army boots. Her hair was tied back into a high bun and she wrapped her hands and arms with black leather and pieces of cloth. 

She used the force to pull her cape to her and settled it around her shoulders. She grabbed her saber staff and her maids wished her "good will" and "may the force be with you."

She stretched and then ran out of the shuttle and over to her beloved and the general. 

"We must attack. Now." She commanded. Kylo nodded and yelled for the captains and the look outs. 

"Sire they are getting prepared to fight." The look outs reported. 

"Well then, it is time for them to learn the power and might of the New Order." Kylo's hand curled around his lightsaber.

Rey smiled and she moved with Kylo to the front of the battle line. 

"Attack!" Kylo yelled. They ran towards to resistance.


Poe stood on the mound. "They are coming." 

He jumped down and ran to Finn and Rose. "We need to move." 

Rose grasped her gun. "We need to fight." 

"We don't have time." Poe hit Finn. " They are coming now. Get the men ready."

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