Chapter 6- Fight me

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Song- Uncover by Zara Larsson

"Kylo." Rey mumbled under her breath. The warm visions of the tall man were heating her in all ways. She tossed and turned on her bed in the giant flag ship. 

A warm dizzy sensation filled her brain as she dreamed of the giant man, who was hers. She moaned out his name as the dream took a new turn. 

She was awoken from her dream by a voice. 

"So you yearn for him?" The gravelly voice of her grandfather filled the room. She quickly drew on her black gown and cape  and stood. 

(looked something like this) 

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(looked something like this) 

"Grandfather." She bowed. Her wrinkled grandfather placed his hand on her head.

"Child, you want him." He stated. Rey's head snapped up. 

"No. I don't."

"Ah, but you do." The old chancellor smiled. "My old apprentice, Darth Vader, had attachments outside of the order and I allowed that. Do not worry my worthy child, you will have the heir to Darth Vader soon." 

Rey gulped. Her grandfather's apprentice had been  Kylo's grandfather. 

"Go find him. Fight him. Make him feel your anger." Her grandfather commanded. She absent mindly picked up her saber. 

She blindly followed the distant voice of Palpatine and walked down the corridors. She pulled her hood up to cover her face. She used the force to pull the doors open into the main hall. She stalked down the hallway. Storm Troopers moved against the walls to allow the Supreme Leader's favorite passing space. 

Rey allowed Kylo's darkness to guide her down to the training hall. She watch his corded back flex and his bulging biceps work with swiftness. He brandished his saber here and there then he actually started using it. 

Rey watched in riveted silence as the man in front of her fought with his raw strength and power. He finished and turned to her, his wet tank top sticking to his muscular torso. 

"Kylo." She lifted her head and moved her hood. Her hair was braided back and the black gown hung on her being airily. 

"Rey. What are you doing up?" He wiped the sweat from his brow. She moved in closer to him, dress swaying around her feet. 

"Oh I was just wondering if you could help me." Her hand snuck into the folds of her cape to grasp her well hidden saber staff. 

"With what?" Kylo's brow rose.

"Oh you know. With training and such." She whipped out her saber and ignited it. The blade did not even bother to shine gold, instead it went straight to a blood red tinted with orange. 

"Rey." Kylo warned.

"Fight me." She spit out. 

Kylo smiled and lit his saber.

Their sabers crashed and the fight began. 

"Oh little Jedi how untrained are you." Kylo taunted.

"Little Jedi?" Rey snorted. She slashed at him. 

"Yes, little one, you need a teacher."

"Well then teach me supreme leader." 

Rey had the upperhand for a short period of time, then Kylo retook control. He used his bigger body to corner Rey and gently take the saber staff from her quaking hands. 

"Rey. Sweetheart?" He searched her amber eyes. "Rey come back to me." 

Rey's hazel coloring started to return and she allowed herself to slip down the wall. Kylo followed her and his eyes probed hers. 

She silently hoped that he would move his plush lips slightly to over take her shaking mind and soul. She knew she would not be able to push him away ever if it were to happen. 

"Kylo." She whimpered and his eyes darted to her mouth. 

"Sweetheart." His breath quickened. He lowered himself further so that she was right under him. 

"Please." She begged. Her brain screamed for her to stop but her soul and force told her with every thing in her to claim the great and mighty Kylo Ren. 

His mouth hovered over hers then crashed into hers, immediately taking control and pulling her under with him. 

He moaned her name in between kisses and pulled her to straddle his hips. She pushed her greedy hands into his soft locks and they were sucked under together. 

He gently broke away and rubbed her cheek. 

"Rey. I love you." 

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