Chapter 10-Arrangements

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Song- Soldier by

"General Hux." A Death Trooper walked up to the red headed chain of command. 

"Yes, Xander." He turned to him and turned off his holopad. His hair was gleaming and his personal body guard stepped closer. 

"We have made contact with the resistance. They have been penetrated and are currently fleeing to the woods." Xander's helmet, a dusky black, took on a deathly gleam.

"Good. Good. I will establish contact with the Emperor and Empress." Hux turned and reopened his holopad. 

Xander left the room and the general pressed the communication button. 

"Your majesty." He bowed before the Emperor. 

"General." Kylo stood from his seat and walked to the holopad near him. He waved the advisers off and motioned for Rey to step forward. 

Rey walked to Kylo and stood near him. 

"Your highness." The general bowed from the waist and Rey nodded her head to him. 

"Hux, what news do you bring us?" Kylo's pressed tunic and robe, hung off of him in a regal way. 

"We have found and penetrated the Resistance. They are heading for the woods. What is the next course of action?" Hux pulled his hands behind his back. 

"The Empress and I will come to you to help." Kylo placed his arm around Rey. "We will crush the resistance. Once and for all." 

"Very good." Hux bowed. "I will see you shortly." 

The holovideo cut out and Rey was left with Kylo. "What do we do?" She looked up at him. 

His eyes were kind as he looked down at his fiance. "We will deal with them. If they think they can defy us they are dearly wrong." 

Rey's eyes took on a new gleam. Her hand stroked his bicep. Her ornate head piece had a veil in the front with embroidery, a golden crown held it in place. Her golden and black gown hung off of her in a mature way and had an open back with chains holding it in place. 

"Kylo, we must put a stop to them. They will not spare us as prisoners, you do realize this, right?" She touched her beloved's face. 

He leaned into her touch. "I do." His eye lashes fluttered slightly and his head bent. She reached up and pressed their lips together. 

They pulled apart. "I love you." 

Kylo grinned wickedly. "I know." 

Leia's voice interjected. "Just like your father." She glided down the stairs. 

"Queen Mother." Rey bowed respectfully. Leia touched her chin and she stood. Kylo nodded his head at the woman and took Rey's diamond laden hand in his.

"Mother, we are heading to Takodana, the rebels have been stopped there." Kylo's silver crown gleamed in the harsh light. "When we have won, and we will, I will take the Empress to Lord Vader's castle."

"Yes, my son." She bowed. "I will remain here and keep things in order. When should I expect you back?" 

"With in the first of next month." Kylo's brows knit together in thought. "The wedding is in two months. Once victory is established, we destroy every and all the remaining planets that work with the resistance." 

"Of course." She walked steadily with the couple. They arrived at the hanger. She stopped in front of Kylo's command ship. 

"Be safe my son." She hugged him and then turned to Rey. "And you my daughter." She held Rey in her arms. "Keep him safe." She whispered. 

"I will." She kissed the Queen Mother's cheek and then stepped into Kylo's sheltering arms. Their guards filed in behind them, and they entered the shuttle. 


Rey rung her hands out. Kylo was seated on his throne and was giving the shuttle commander orders. 

She walked to a seat and sat. She focused on the thoughts of her grandfather. Her hands grew cold and clammy, her dress slightly constrictive. 

She honed in on her senses and focused entirely on the conflict with in her. 

"Grandfather?" She reached for the man. 

He emerged from the shadows of her mind. "My child." He held her in his fathering arms. "Do not worry, the Emperor will protect you." She looked up at the man. "Look at you, garbed in your queenly state." He held her at an arms length. "You are an Empress." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Do not forget me, use your anger, use your pain." He faded. 

"No wait." She called. He was gone. She woke from her meditation and her veil swayed. 

She stood abruptly and walked to Kylo. "Ky?" 

Her beloved looked up at her from the battle map. He motioned for her. "Yes?" 

"Should I change?" 

"No." He kissed her cheek. "You look lovely." 

She smiled and then tensed. "We are here." She whispered. 

"Sire, we have enter the atmosphere." A captain entered. 

"Set down, and then call the Death Troopers in behind us." Kylo stood from his seat. 

Rey shrunk into Kylo as they moved to the door of the shuttle. 

"Rey, you are fine." Kylo soothed. 

"I know." She smiled and attached her veil to her head piece. 

She made sure that her saberstaff was strapped to her belt and her leg. Her gown flowed around her feet and circled near Kylo. 

The doors opened and the mist blew out. Kylo and Rey stalked out. Death Troopers filed in next to and behind them. Their elite task force of guards followed their master. 

They walked towards the woods and met a wide eyed Poe and Finn on the edge. 


The Resistance

Poe picked Finn up and ran. The girl, Rose, ran near him. 

"To the woods!" Poe screamed. "Run!"

The entire resistance base ran towards the woods. They heard the wine of the First Order's fleet and the screams of the red headed general. 

All of them grabbed what they could and booked it to the woods. 

Finn regained conscious as they were stratigizing. 

"Where is Rey?"

"The enemy has arrived." A scout ran in. 

"Prepare yourselves." Poe yelled. "Finn with me." He motioned and the two ran to the edge of the wood. 

They watched the shuttle set down and open. A man clothed in black and a woman in gold and black glided from the belly. Their guards filed in and their army followed. 

"Rey." Finn whispered. 

Rey was with the enemy. Therefore she was the enemy. 

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