Chapter 12- Surrender or Die

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Rey slashed through on coming bullets with her saber staff. Kylo deflected as many as possible. His cape was swinging around them and hers entangled itself with his. They strode forward and Kylo used the force to grip the rocks and boulders, lifting them from their path, and toss them to the sides of Rey and their army. 

The resistance made feeble attempts to defend their little fort. Poe screamed something incoherent and a group of men fearlessly ran at Kylo and Rey. They both stopped, igniting their crackling sabers, and took their battle stance. The Death Troopers created a half circle around their backs and prepared their guns. 

The men running at them shot. Rey flew into action. Her saber staff moved in time with her body. She flowed through the staff. Kylo was an excellent swordsman, a master of his trade, and he was ready to fight for his Empress and kingdom. 

They advanced forward once the men were dealt with. Rey had cut a few, not enough to kill, just wound, and Kylo had killed two while wounding three others. Apparently, the resistance had more than the estimated 15 men and women. 

Rey's saber cut through the ground and the Death Troopers coms were somehow comforting. General Hux was leading the Storm Troopers from the top of a Walker and his voice could be heard through their helmets. 

Kylo watched in amazement as Rey fearlessly moved forward, ready to destroy those who stole from her. 

Three more men ran at them. They suffered the same fate at the hand of Kylo. Death. 

Then a fighter flew at them. Poe. They had guessed he would try something. But not anything major. Kylo signaled and four fighter pilots took off after him. 

They continued their march forward, and then stopped at the edge of the wood. Rey gathered herself together and then took a stance. Her right foot stepped towards the wood and her left to the troops behind, she ignited her blazing red saber and held it in front of Kylo and herself. She looked into the forest then yelled, "Rebels, come out now and surrender and we will spare you. Give us the chase and we will have no choice but to fire." Her trembling figure stood tall. 

Kylo looked into the wood of Takodana. The rebels knew that they were surrounded, so why even try. 

"Fine." Rey yelled. "On my mark." 

The troopers ran forward and took their stance. They spread their legs and aimed their deadly weapons. 

"One." Rey paused. "Two." A slight rustle was seen in the trees. "Fire." 

The blasters went off in time with her voice. Kylo walked to the line of men. He motioned for several and then stalked into the forest. Rey rounded the back of the line and her swirling cape hit her calves. 

"Men." She stood tall and proud. "We will be victorious. We must win." She watched Kylo. "For the Order!" She turned and ran into the woods with thousands of troopers behind her. 

It did not take long before Kylo saw people running out at him. Rey's attack had worked. He whipped out  his red saber. He cut through the oncoming people. 

His whirling movements and anger was spread through his fighting style. His Rey was in those woods and he would protect her with his life. Then a bomb blew. The forest erupted in screams and yells. Trees flew and the force settled. 

"REY!" He screamed. She came running out with troopers on her heels. She flew into Kylo's arms and held on tight. Her saber staff hit his thigh. He clipped his saber in his belt. "I thought I lost you." He breathed in her hair. 

"You are OK. I am here." She soothed. "Have Hux push a full blown attack." She ordered the nearest death trooper. 

"Of course, Empress."


Rey turned in Kylo's arms.  "Yes?" She took in a confused Finn holding a blaster to her head. "Oh Finn."

"Rey? You didn't." He was shaking. He took a step back and looked from Kylo's strong arms wrapped around her body to the waiting death troopers. "Poe was right about this." He stuttered. "About you." He turned to run. Rey held her arm out clenching her fingers. Finn's movement stopped and he stood still. 

"Take him." She ordered. The troopers circled the stunned Finn. He slumped to the ground and Rey walked to him. "Poor FN- 2187. You were so brave. Until it ended." His wild eyes stared at her in shock. "Take him to the shuttle. I will deal with him later." They grabbed Finn's arms and drug him to the nearest shuttle. 

"Rey." Kylo walked to her. He slid an arm around her torso. "We won darling. We won." 

Rey wrapped her arms around his muscled waist. "Hold me." She begged. He set his head on hers and hummed a calming tune that his mother had sung to him as a boy. She relaxed in his warm embrace and her eyes began to close. 

"I love you." She whispered as sleep overtook her. 

Kylo swept her up in his arms and walked to the lead command shuttle. He nodded at Hux who cracked a thin smile at the sight of Rey in Kylo's arms. 

Kylo walked into the Captain's bedroom, and set Rey gently on the bed. He kissed her forehead and then stood. 

"Kylo."  Her soft plea stopped him. "Stay with me."

He stood still. Did he stay with her or go? His brain battled his heart. 


Poe sat in his cockpit. His heart stopped when he looked down and saw that there was 5 men and 4 women left. No Finn. 

"Rose." He jumped out of the cockpit and gathered her in his arms. "Where is Finn?" 

"Th-h-e-e-e-y t-took h-him." She sobbed. 

"Who did?"

"Ren and Rey." 


AN- Sorry!!! I know I am so mean but I need some suspense, other wise this story will become quite boring. Well till next time. Bye.  

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