37: Twisted Nerve Pt. 2

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"Lana, I really have to go," Andi states, watching the girl pull out even more ingredients.

They've been baking cheesecake since she got there hours ago. The sky was beginning to darken, and she knows the losers were probably far into Neibolt by now.

"Oh, come on! You aren't even gonna be around for the grand finale?" Lana questions, rest her hand over her enlarged stomach. "We get to eat all of these after they're finished!"

A sudden bad feeling creeps into Andi's stomach, and she rushes to gather her things. Her cassette player nearly falls out of her back pocket because of how rushed she is, so she shoves it into her backpack instead.

"No, I really have to go," she rushes out, stomping to wards the front door.

"Jeez, what's got your panty's twisted?" Aj snorts, stepping out of the girl's way.

"It's Stan," She smirks, "it's always been Stan."

As she rushes away from the house and down the street on her bike, she can hear Lana calling after her about how she forgot her lunch bag or something.

She never stops though. Instead, she pulls things out of her backpack as she bike's.

Her hands come out of the bag with a skintight jumpsuit, and brand new white converse. She jumps off her bike as soon as she gets in front of the ratchet broken down house.

Rushing past the debris and spider webs, she goes down to the basement and stares directly at the well. Before she does anything else, she pulls her clothes of and changes into the new ones from her backpack.

With one deep breath, she climbs down the rope, and into the well.

Water droplets sound around, she can hear just how far down the well must be, and the thought of accidentally falling sends shivers down her spine. She knows exactly where she's going though, and ignores her fear.

A hole on the side of the Wells interior comes into view, and she swings her feet right into it.

There's a loud scream, and that makes her panic. She can't tell if the scream is out of fear or a battle cry. Whichever it is, it makes her heart drop.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she whispers, crawling quickly down the tunnel and into the sewer.

It doesn't take long before the sewer pipe begins to open up enough for her to stand up straight and walk properly. An evil grin crosses her face and the old her returns. This is what she's been waiting for. Killing that damn clown.

She walks through the tunnel like it's a cat walk, moving her hips dramatically with her strides. The water under her feet splashes loudly with each step, and her lips purse as she begins to whistle.

Twisted Nerve.

Meanwhile, Pennywise stops fighting with the children, turning his head to the sound from the tunnel leading to the sewer. His expression forms into fear. Pennywise really didn't expect her to show.

The losers stop what they're doing to glance towards the tunnel, confused by the clowns sudden change in aura.

The whistling bounces off the wall and sends shivers down all of their spines.

After a painfully long wait, a single converse shoe steps out from the darkness, followed by a darkly dressed Andi. She's wearing a tight dark jumpsuit, but purely white converse. The outfit confuses them all, but nobody speaks up, noticing her change in personality.

She looks different, and not just clothing wise.

Her eyes a void of emotion, a sadistic grin spread across her features. She looks like a murder, and that she is.

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