27: Simple Man

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Andi bikes as fast as her feet can take her down the road, and as the house comes into view, she notices that none of the losers are stood on the lawn, which worries her even more.

As she gets to the dirty lawn, she comes to a spinning stop because of how damn fast her bike is going. She almost flies off, but quickly catches herself.

She looks around before grabbing a random led pipe discarded on the floor and stomping up the steps of the house.

She swings the door open just in time to see Beverly pulling desperately on Richie's shirt with a terrified expression. Richie refuses to leave Eddie's side, and the small boy's arm seems to be broken. Bill is trying to help the screaming calm.

Pennywise is stood with a led pipe through his eye going out his forehead.

She didn't even know the losers were aware of Pennywise.

"Andi?!" Bill shouts over the chaos.

The losers seem to calm down at the sight at her, but are extremely confused by the fact that she seems prepared for something like this already.

"WE HAD A DEAL, YOU FUCKER," she swings the pipe across the creatures face, sending him flying back nearly 5 whole ft.

"WAIT, NO," Pennywise stammers, fumbling back into the wall. "YOU SAID NOT TO TOUCH THE LOSERS—"


"Oh yeah, about that—"

She lifts her pipe, ready to bring it down on the creatures head. His hands go up to shield himself and he immediately begins to speak again.

"THE LITTLE BOY ISNT DEAD, I HAVENT TOUCHED HIM," he admits, shuddering in his place.

Andi stops herself from smashing the metal against his skull, glaring down at the creature with anger.

"Where is he," she spits.

"Andi, you know this guy?!" Richie calls, interrupting the two.

"Know him," She scoffs, "I've killed him four times in the last week. Of course I damn well know him!"

"Let's make a deal—" the creature begins again.

"Fuck that! No more deals, nickel dumb!" She screams. "GIVE ME THE KID BACK OR ILL END YOUR GOD FORSAKEN LIFE RIGHT NOW."

"You can't. You already know that," he smirks, spitting blood out. "Here's my deal. Meet me where I dine before Friday of next week, and you can have the child back. Until then, he stays with me— unharmed, untouched, well kept."

"Suck my dick," She spitefully growls.

He grins.

"Until then," he responds, crawling away to the basement.

"Don't l-l-let him get away!" Bill demands, going to chase after the being.

Andi pushes him back, preventing him from following.

"No, Bill. You heard him. We have to be ready, and there's something I have to tell you," she tries.

"You're not our friend! Y-You're a fucking monster," Bill shouts. "How did you know him, Andi?! How?!"

"Bill, please, just let me—"


"I-I...." She stammers, failing to find the right words to explain.

Bill's eyes are watered over with tears, and he glares straight into her face, forcing her heart to break that much more.

"Don't talk to us," he spits, leaving with all the losers out of the house.

Andi quickly follows, but none of them want to look at her. None want to speak.

"Stan!" She desperately calls out, watching as they all rush onto their bikes, getting Eddie help.

Stan stops, looking at her with a look that tells her all she needs to know.

A hateful, disappointed, fearful look.

She says nothing, just watches as he bikes away with the rest of the crew.

She's left alone.

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