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I am dead to everyone. They locked me here as if I am not even here. They just use me. I will never forgive them. Why can't I be like Taehyung.

Why does he always get what he wants. Why not me. Who am I ?

I heard the door to my cell opening.

"Come out you need to take a shower." The same man said.

I got up on my two feet as my black wings , which were now grey with dust hung behind me. I only showered once a week.

My legs were tied with two metal chains so that I could not run or fly.

I walked to the servent who brought a huge bucket of water for me.

I opened my silk robe and let it fall on to my feet . I was only wearing a pant and my cuts being noticable on my back.

I sat on the stool as he poured water on me.

My cuts hurting as my closed my eyes.

"Master said he wants to meet you?" He said as my eyes widened as I looked at him.

"M-me?" I said pointing towards myself.

"Yes so I got clothes for you , go meet him." He said and left the room.

After a while I got out of the dark room and saw that he was in front of me . The person I hated the most Kim Taehyung.  Now me and Taehyung were standing side to side with eachother.

He was glaring at me and so was I .

"So I called you here because you have something to do." My father broke the silence.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You know that your brother Taehyung was sent to earth to destroy humans right?" He asked as I turned towards Taehyung and saw him looking down at his feet.

"Yeah ." I said and smiled.

"I am canceling your punishment from today and you will do that job, not Taehyung anymore." He said as I could not believe my ears .

"What?" I asked in utter most shock.

"Yes and you will be sent to earth soon. You guys look the exactly the same and I want you to act like Kim Taehyung from now on." He said .

"Ohh ok." I said agreeing with his plan.


"Ewwww." Jungkook said.

"Guys we need to find the book of spells." I reminded as they were too busy admiring the shelves .

"Hey guys I found something." Hoseok screamed from one of the corners as we ran towards him.

We saw a shiny thick book on the shelves . It was almost as half size as my size.

Jungkook helped me and took it out of the shelf and put it on the floor.

We all sat in a circle and sat down on the floor.

"Should I open it???" I asked

"I think you should." Yoongi said as I slowly took my hands towards it and tried lifting the cover up.

I lifte the first few pages as we saw their was a satanic symbol drawn on it there were many spells but written in another language.


I know there was something happening . There were sounds coming from under the stairs . I went close to it and saw there was no one . I was about to walk away when a little crack got my attention.

It looked like a door. It was open like only about an inch. So I opened the door and went straight in. The floorboards cracking under my steps.

I went a bit more in as I saw a light coming out from one of the corners.

"I never knew this room existed." I muttered under my breath. Then suddenly I heard footsteps . I turned around but saw no one.

Again this time it was a loud thump which came out . "Who is it?" I yelled  and went out of the room to check.

I thought I would come back to take the book later. The moment I walked out I saw that my Dad was standing outside of the door .

"Taehyung what are you doing here son?" He asked in a cold voice.

"Ummm- you never told me about this room." I said looking directly at his eyes.

"Ohh this . This is just like a store room. Forget it." He said trying to change the topic as he locked the door and I also went with the flow.

"Ok let's go." I said and walked away.

"I will get here at night." I said to myself.


The moment we saw Taehyung we ran as fast as we could. All the boys got out except me and Jimin .

He actually tried saving me and now we were locked.

"What can we do?" He asked.

"I can just teleport us out." I said standing up and walking close to the door.

"Hold me." I commanded as he followed .

I closed my eyes , but the moment I touched the door we landed on our butts by a sudden force.

I stood up and tried again but the same thing happened. The same thing kept repeating .

"Y/N are you in there?" Jin asked.

"After leaving me here you are asking this?" I asked in a little anoyed voice.

"Umm sorry but we tried teleporting inside but it didn't help." Namjoon said.

"Yeah you only can do it with the key." I said.

"We tried but the key was on top of the king's table." Jungkook said.

"Ohhh great now we are stuck." Jimin said.

"Ok you guys can try to find the spell and try breaking it." Hoseok suggested.

"Yeah right so you guys can go look for the keys and remember don't mess up." I said as they went away.

"So let's start with the book." I turned around towards Jimin as he nodded.

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