"Feel free," she pointed her hand to it, inviting Tony to sit there if it would make him more comfortable, "I'm taking that nap-time offer."

With a small limp, and slouched shoulders, she lowered herself to the ground once again next to Bruce and in front of Natasha.

She turned her head, and watched the scientists' chest rise and fall rapidly. Bailey placed a hand on the man's knee, with calmness and tried to sooth him out of his nightmare before he went green in the middle of flight.

A quick breath escaped her lips, and her head dropped against the seat behind her, and the world fell into blackness with the shut of her eyes.

"Bax... wake up," a soft voice shook bailey by her shoulders.

Her eyes opened slowly when she felt the jet do a bump as its wheels touched the ground. She pulled a hand out from under the blanket to rub her eyes, and then looked at the blanket in confusion.

"Steve threw it over you," Tony nodded his head to the Captain America, one of the few that looked alright for what he had just been through.

"T-thanks," she smiled, and grabbed Tony's hand to let him pull her up.

He wrapped an arm under her shoulder, and allowed her to lean on him as they limped out of the jet.

Together, like a pre-school line of kids, the Avengers walked a path that lined a valley of grass and lead to a Barn and house. There wasn't much to see, just an open veldt and trees closing it off from the rest of the world.

Bailey let go of Tony in order to help herself up the steep hill they attempted to climb to reach the safe house.

She watched ahead of her as Clint held Natasha up the hill, keeping her steady and focused. The woman couldn't shake her dream-like state she was trapped in, but seemed to be slowly recovering with the more she saw.

Clint had explained to her how Natasha would often visit them, becoming an Aunty figure for his two children, and growing close with his wife at the same time. When the two assassins claimed each other as their best friends, no one truly realised how deeply far that title went.

In fact, Bailey was sure majority S.H.I.E.L.D and Stark agents assumed the two as a couple.

The group eventually reached the cream stairs of the house, and stomped up the few steps.

"What is this place?" Thor asked from behind Tony and Bailey.

"Safe house," they both replied to him.

"Let's hope," Clint commented, and opened the front door for them all to walk into the house.

"Honey?" Clint asked, leading The Avengers into his living room. "I'm home."

A pregnant woman came rounding the corner with a few paintings made by kids in hand, but looked surprised as she noticed seven figures in her home instead of the one she expected.

"Hi," Clint awkwardly greeted. "Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead."

Clint then left Natasha's side to slowly walk over to his wife, capturing her in a kiss.

"Hey," She whispered to him with a giant, pleasing smile.

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony turned to the rest of the people in the room.

Bax rolled her eyes and gave a jab of her elbow into his forearm.

"Gentlemen, random kid," He addressed the boys and Bailey, "This is Laura."

Bailey smiled at her, and reached her hand out to shake the kind woman's hand who simply allowed them in her house.

She shook it softly, and gave a small wave to the rest of the team.

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