"Why, Riley?"

Anger rose in me.

"Why? Yo bitch ass got the audacity to ask me why?! You beat my girl and now ion know if my son gon live."

Tunk's eyes widened.

"She really was-"

"Pregnant? Yea, she was. But now, my baby might die cause yo dumb ass grudge."

Tunk scowled, trying to keep whatever cool she had left.

"She shouldn't have messed with me then," She says.

"That was 3 almost 4 fucking years ago. LET IT GO!" I grabbed Tunk from the cell, smashing her face against the bars. "If my baby dies, so do you. I told you what would happen if you laid a hand on my girl and I meant that shut. Fuck whatever friendship we had, Murph is my family. And I ride for my family no matter what."

I slammed her against the bars again, knocking her unconscious.

"Whatchu want me to do wit her?" Ed asks, pointing at Jaelyne.

"You got another cell? These bitches can't be together or they gon start plottin."

"Yea, there's another down the hall."

"Aight, but her ass in that. Check her ass for anything to leave wit too."

Ed does as told and take Jaelyne down the hall. I turn to Rummy,

"How's Murph?" I ask.

"She's hanging in there. You might be able to hear more about her if you head to the hospital now."

I nod, turning to leave.

"I'm not kidding about killing them either. If my son dies, they dying too."

I head to the hospital, changing my clothes first just in case Murph was awake. Her mom was in her room, holding her hand. You could tell she'd been crying.

"Hey Christie," I say, knocking on the door as I come in.

"Oh Riley!" She quickly gets up, hugging me. "You're okay. I was starting to get worried."

"I'm good. I found who did this to Cindy and they won't touch her again."

"You didn't kill them did you?" Christie asks.

"Nah. But they away from Cindy. They not gon harm her again."

I finally look over at my girl who was laying in the hospital bed, sleep. 

"They say anything?" I ask.

"She'll be okay. I don't know why but someone put in a lot of money to make sure the baby was safe. The doctors said if they wouldn't have put money in, the baby would've died."

I smiled, reminding myself to thank Ed later.

"You go home and get some rest," I tell her. "I'm gonna stay here with her."

"You sure? I know you're probably exhausted for being out all night."

I shook my head, looking at Murph again,

"I'm never too tired for her. Plus I wanna be here when she wakes up."

Christie nods, kissing Murph's hand before she gets up and leaves. I take her seat, looking at Murph's beat up face. They really did a number on her. I took a deep breath, trying not to get mad.

I looked down. I failed Murph. I was supposed to be there to protect her and here she is. Her and the baby could've been killed and I wouldn't have been able to do shit to stop it.

"They asses got me, Reezy," She says. I quickly look up, her eyes were still closed. "I tried to fight back but I couldn't. They started hitting me in the face and back, I tried so hard to protect the baby. She got a one kick at him then when she heard you telling, she ran. I remember blacking out and hearing you get closer until everything went black."

Her eyes started filling with tears before they pooled down, her eyes never opening.

"I tried so hard, Reezy. I tried to protect the baby but I don't know if he made it."

I wiped the tears from her eyes,

"He made it," I tell her. "Ed put in a few thousand to ensure his safety. He's okay."

Cindy cries a little harder, finally opening her eyes. They were beyond red, consuming her crystal blue.

"I'm so sorry Riley," she sobs. I smile at her, 

"It's all good, C. As long as you safe, I'm happy."

The rest of the day, I stayed in the room with Cindy. I FaceTimed Jada and she sobbed her ass off as she talked to Cindy.

"I can't believe Tunk and Jaelyne did that," she said. "They lucky my ass pregnant too or all hell would break loose."

Cindy chuckled,

"I'm good, Jay. Thanks for worryin bout me."

"Girl, you know I'm here. Call me later, okay?"

Cindy nods and we hang up. Ed came by too, making sure Murph was okay.

"There she is," He says, hugging her. "I ain't seen yo ass in a minute."

"Hey Ed," She says, smiling. 

"You feeling good? You okay?" 

"Yea, I'm Gucci. thanks for putting in money to save the baby."

"Girl, ain't nun to it. You know that's my nephew you in there. I wouldn't let nun happen to him. Not while I'm around."

Cindy smiles. I did too. I was thankful I had a lot of people around checking up on us.

"So, he made it right?" Ed asked me.

"Yea, he good."

"Well, what about the other two?"

Cindy looked over at me confused. I hadn't told her what I did with Tunk and Jaelyne.

"Let they asses go. But make sure they know, fuck with me and what's mines again and I ain't letting nobody live."

Ed nods, leaving the room.

"You were gonna kill them?" Cindy asks. I didn't say anything. I only looked away. "Riley-"

"You act like I ain't had a choice!" I yell, snapping my head towards her. She jumps startled, making me sigh. "What else was I supposed to do? They the reason you here. They would've been the reason my son died. They asses causing me too much pain and I ain't about to stand around and let it happen. I watched Jada suffer and sat back and did nothing. Same thing with Granddad. He was dying everything and there was nothing I could do. Now that there is something I could do, I'm not about to sit back and let that shit happen."

Cindy looked at me, taking my hand.

"Thank you. For being here for me."

I kissed her, cherishing her presence after being away from her for so long.

"Always," I tell her. "I'll always be here."

Baby FreemansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora