March 21, 2018

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   So today I wanna talk about one very important guy in my life, my best friend and adoptive brother, Carlos, I absolutely love him. A basic description of him is that he is me as a guy. We are so similar in experiences, attitude and outlook to live. I think the only difference is he's not emo as hell like I am. But let me tell you about my fuckboy best friend!

    So we met when I had just turned 18, he was 17 and we kinda ignored each other for a while but had friends in common, what was hilarious was he thought I was 14 so he didn't want to try and be my friend since everyone thought he was a fuckboy, fast forward like 8 months to my aunt's engagement party, and we started hanging out since I kinda had a thing for one of his friends, the guy was like 2 or 3 years older than me, but we got along due to our extremely sarcastic humor, to the point where we would tease each other and call names and some would think we hated each other.

    We first started messaging through Facebook since he found me and started texting me, his first words were, " Did you miss me?" Obviously my reaction was, "No, was I supposed to?" And he was like "well you told me I was on my phone to much, so there I haven't talked to you for a week." My response was "oops, I forgot to notice why this is relevant to me" and so on our conversation went, so he sent me his phone number and told me "text me! ;)" and I responded "dear god, you are such a fuckboy!" But I still texted him to keep our conversation going since he was making me laugh.

We continued talking for days and we started playing a game of 20 questions, which we never did finish, we always got side tracked, we got to know each other well, to the point where he became my best friend, on that first day we started texting, I had a depressive episode, to the point where I couldn't answer the texts so he called and where most guys would freak to hear a girl cry, he calmed me down, he talked low and calmly to me, and he waited till I finished crying, then he told me he'd call me again in the morning to check on me since it was close to two in the morning. And all I could say was a quiet ok and I fell asleep.

    The next day I woke up abruptly when I remembered what had happened, that he had listened to me cry for about 4 hours straight, and I started to freak out since I had no idea what he was gonna say, around 11 am he called and I was nervous to answer and when I did I started to apologize for the night before but he stopped me and told me to not worry about it, that he wasn't bothered by it, but that it made him wanna be my friend even more since I always acted so cold and calculating, he said it was nice to see me show emotions and from there our friendship became super strong. And little did I know we were going to bond even more.

   We texted daily, all day, and we talked on the phone at least 4 days a week and talked for at least 4 to 5 hours sometimes in really deep topics and other times just goofiness. Once he called on a Sunday around 1 pm and we talked for three hours about this girl he had a crush on and I hated her because she would lead him on just to start dating someone else and by this time she had done it twice, well he was at a park on a hill and them this girl and her family pull up to the park and he tels me "oh my god, she just pulled up and I made eye contact with her dad and he hates me" and I just started laughing so hard because I could picture it perfectly, we both stated that it was like I was basically sitting there with him. I think I laughed for at least 5 minutes straight to which he called me a bitch while he laughed as well.

    The problem was when she hurt him a third time, on a Thursday after going to the gym with some friends, I come home to a text that he had sent 30 minutes before basically saying goodbye and I flipped, I texted him, called him and when he didn't answer, I started crying because I couldn't loose him, thankfully around an hour later he calls and after I told him that he was terrible for not answering and worrying me like that, he explained what happened and that he lost it and somehow found himself at his phycologist's place and he didn't remember going there, I was so worried about him, after that he made me promise to check up on him, and boy did I, I would call him three times a day to make sure he was eating, he'd put me on speaker and we'd eat together, I would also ask him if he was exercising since it was a big deal for him.

     During the time we were able to see each other we would spend all our time together and I've always been highly affectionate if I have a strong bond with that person, so we would cuddle while watching TV, and hug constantly, he'd hold my hand or hug me in the street if he noticed girls being rude to me, and during my aunt's and later my uncle's weddings he sat with me the entire night and kept me company. Tbh, I love that boy, he is my best friend and my other half platonically. We had a lot of nicknames for each other depending on how we were talking to each other, most of the time I'd call him a fuckboy and refer to him as my fuckboy of a best friend, and he'd call me nalgona which in Spanish means something like big assed since im well endowed with a small waist yet big ass and other times I'd call him stuff like my love or manito chulo which means beautiful brother or amazing brother and he'd call me beautiful or Chiquita which means something like shorty due to him being at least

    Well I should go, next I wanna talk about another friend who also helped me in his own way,  his name is also Carlos but we all would call him Charley.


Stay frosty, my wicked children!
A/N: what do you guys think? Any thoughts on Carlos?
Song of chapter: oath by Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G
Side note: this is our song along with diary by Alicia keys XD

Side note, shout out to my brother and amazing friend and writer, ErroR_MaN_CHilD pls check out his writing, I personally love it! XD

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