February 16, 2018

14 4 10

T/W: fighting and slight bullying.


  I guess I can move on to the next person of my family my uncle Marcelo, I know really mexican, we were always fighting, it didn't matter that he was 11 years older than me, and of course he wasn't gentle, we would wrestle each other on the floor or at least we would end up there.

  At first we were very close, so close that I got hate, I'll talk about that later here, we would do everything together, he would take me to the coolest places and as the little hyperactive attention loving demon I was, I loved it. I adored the attention I received since I was the only granddaughter and niece in my mom's side, he would take to get food and to the pool and skating and to a lot of other things!

   About the hate I received because of him, there was this girl, Elie, she was my age so before I went to north Carolina, my uncle would take her out to places and do stuff with her to find out what a little girl would enjoy, once I got there though, he had no more need to take her since he had me, she resented me and hated me, she would bully me at school and since her family was part of the same religion as us, I would get bullied at church too. She told me out right that she hated me, when I asked "why? What did I do?" Her response was "you took Marcelo from me!" "He is MY uncle, though!" was what I told her. She then said, "I don't care, I will always hate you!"

He would be a good uncle at times, like he would take me and my brother swimming and then to get pizza at pizza hut, his favorite place, and i believe i get my hopeless romantic size from him, since he was always in and out of relationships as well, and he would change for the girls, like he would normally buy the meat lovers pizza yet for one girl he went vegetarian, so I believe i get that from him.

We have always had a rocky relationship, since we have a similar temper, we both love getting our way, so when we wanted different things problems in sued, like with my best friend a boy who is known for being a fuckboy, my uncle hates him, he claims that my friend will try to hit on me, never has though. My uncle went as far as forbidding me from being his friend, as if I listened though, don't worry I'll talk more about him later, he's important in my life!

What more can I say about my uncle, he's always been in my life kinda like an older brother rather than an uncle, he's had an impact in my life yet nothing memorable, like I know he would pick on me when in public or patronize me in front of his friends, even when I was dating some of them, even though he didn't know that, since his friends were his age or close to it, and since he is 11 years older than me, he would have flipped if he did.

I don't know, what else to say about him, except that he is very childish at times, always wanting to prank people whether by phone or in person, he has pranked everyone in my family except me, I always know its him and he hates it so much, anyways, got to go! Bye!

Song of chapter: Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance.
What did you guys think? Is it any good?
Şŧąყ ʄřơŞŧყ, ŞɯɛɛŧıɛŞ!
Your friend always, Nena!

A/N: sorry I took so long to update this book about my crappy life, I've been having some issues that I've been working on but i believe i should be able to upload regularly again!

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