Hit on by a device: Fall of 2001

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...when rissa sits in the driver seat, she makes me go....oh. Grey and pink underwear alert.

R: Wha-

C: how would you know it.

Cause i feel them.

R: Ok. Switch. Right now.

C: It's not that-


They switched.

Radio:... have my boys hide his ass.

r: oh?

Ra:....jump his ass.

R: ok.

Ra: I got them goons on the low.

R: Me too.

ra: I can have them pinned to the floor.

R: Mm.

Ra: Just remember that i can have you-

R: Dude!

C: You're scaring me.

R: It's just a song! You just-you-you- you take things to real. That's your problem.

C: You wanna drive thru?

R: Nah. Let's go in. You guys want something?

Guys: sure.

They're walking back.

Hurry up it's cold.

C: boy don't rush me.

Ra: So hot in....

Rissa got it

Ra: So hot in here.

R: Really? Bullshitting. Girl, stop dancing!

C: what were you saying? Eyy!

So where y'all going now?

r: doctor.

Girl, you-

r: No!/ ot anymore/

C: What?

R: It's not hot anymore is it?

C: Let it go.

I'm sick.

C: Of what?

Rissa playing hard to dick.

R: UGh!

To get! sorry.

R: Gross man.

taylor[guy]: Aren't you straight?

R: Pfft. No.

C: We'll talk about that later.

R: You're not my girlfriend.

C: Better. Your best friend.


some Time skip

g: Turn left here.


Smack the left cheek [2x]

R: EW!

C: Calm down. Try the right.

Same thing, but right.

G: idk-

R: whose car is this? /omg. If my car wasn't borrowed./ Call the owner. Fuck this.

*door slams*

The friend laughs

C: Where did your sense of humor go?


The Last Few Years Of The Life Of kelly Myers: book 1Where stories live. Discover now