Chapter 2

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I woke up and stretched, sighing a little in satisfaction as I did, before hopping out of bed. I wasn't too sure what to do to try and get inside the ninja group, they're a small group of close-knit people, so it would be hard to barge in and demand to be a part of their group, definitely would seems like suspicious activity.

I stared into the mirror and changed my appearance, knowing If I looked like how I usually decided to, people would think I'm part of some sort of thing. Once I chose a look I liked, I put of some civilian-looking clothes and found an empty notebook lying around in my room and pen.

I left the base through a back entrance and walked down the street unseen, the ninja were always doing something in Ninjago, whether it be doing something simple like rescuing an old lady's cat stuck in the tree, or fighting off some villains. It's just an everyday occurrence for everybody.

I tapped the pen against my lip as I stared at the empty page in front of me as I walked before finding a bench and sitting down. I ended up staring at the road in front of me, wondering how to find out about the ninja's next moves and letting my thoughts wander.

Walking, aimlessly walking. I had accidentally fell out of the realm I had came from, the realm of Dragon and Oni, and now I didn't know where I was. I knew I had to keep moving in this alien place. I passed many people, often asking where I was, but they stares at me with faces of shock, horror and fear. One little boy ran away crying. I was a bit confused until I caught my reflection in a window. There, staring at me was a jet black beast with purple, white, and gold markings, glowing magenta eyes, fangs and horns coming out of its head. I stared at it bitterly, loathing my appearance, I didn't care about my appearance back home but here it felt...wrong. I was so weary and tired that I collapsed outside someone's door in a small village, not noticing the door opening.

I awoke in a bed in a small room, dazed I got out and studied my reflection in the window. Still like I was, horns, the markings and all that. I heard a creak and turned to where I had heard it, an elderly woman was standing in the doorway with a tea tray in her hands. She didn't say anything but inclined her head at a small table in the room. We sat down and she poured some tea for the both of us, I was confused, how come she wasn't terrified at my appearance? She cleared her throat before speaking.
"What's your name?" She asked calmly.
I stared at her blankly, in our realm we didn't have names, we just referred each other as Oni. "Um, (Y/N)?" I say unsure. "Yeah, (Y/N)." I say finally, the name I chose sounding right.
"How did you escape?"
"Escape what?" I ask, pretending not to know what she was talking about.
"You know very well what I'm talking about." She said, raising the brim of the cup to her lips.
"What is it?" I ask, still pretending not to know.
"The realm of the Dragon and Oni." She replied calmly.
I almost had dropped my tea cup. "You know about it?" I ask, dropping the act.
She nodded. "Yes, but I left there a long time ago."
"Y-you lived there?" I asked, confused.
She nodded before her shaped wavered, she grew taller and horns were coming out of her head. I stared at her when she looked back up, bone patterns were across her chest with a dark purple belt with two gold tags hanging off it, she had white and gold markings on her face and legs with two horns and glowing pink eyes.
"Y-you're a-an Oni?" I stuttered.
She let out a grunt before changing back into her elderly woman form.
"How did you do that?" I ask in awe.
"Shapeshifting, I could teach you if you want and help you control your powers." She said calmly as she took a sip of tea.
I was bouncing in my seat. "Yes please." I exclaim happily.
And that's how it started. The woman, Mistaké, taught me how to shapeshift into many different people and how to disguise my voice, even how to control my powers.
But once the training was done and I could control my power and shapeshift, she sent me out to explore and I found the city of Ninjago.

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now