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I swear this is an English ff

One week was almost over since your talk at the convenience store and by now, the whole school was aware and buzzing with comments on the big change. In an all girls private school, every event that included the "brother school" or the all boys private school always brought up a lot of controversy amongst the students.

Most girls loved seeing the boys during school events and some had started "relationships" with them. Few girls always felt uncomfortable about the presence of the entire male school and some simply didn't care. A different group of girls detested boys and their antics while another squad was obsessed with them.

Now that the schools would join, potentially forever, the school was more alive and talkative than ever. Even the teachers and staff had been looking forward to having some new coworkers. All in all, it was a positive response.

You were last in the math classroom attempting to carry some heavy textbooks and stack them up for packing. The whole week was devoted to packing up the school and moving it to the boys' campus.

"You need any help?" Spoke up a high pitched voice. You would recognize this voice anywhere.

"No Stephanie I'm almost done anyways." Stephanie was a year younger than you and was your freshman bestie. This obviously makes you a sophomore (just to clear things up).

"No your not. You're not even close. Don't you have to put the textbooks into the boxes and then seal the boxes closed an-"

"No, I don't." You huffed out while leading Stephanie out the door and gently closing it.

You then put your hands on your hips and suspiciously eyed the room.

"Where is that damn key?" You mumble to yourself.

The past hour of searching Ms. Chung's classroom and you couldn't find the key anywhere.

That damn key.

That key would give you so much power in the new campus.

The same key that didn't want to show its face to you for the past hour.

Was the key to the teachers staff room in the boys' campus.

Time skip to the first day of school in the boys campus.

The boys school had also done their share of moving and cleaning so that they could make enough space to accommodate the incoming sister school.

While walking into the school with Agnes by your side, you snickered at the view in front of you. The girls had all pushed themselves to one side of the school while the boys on the other.

What pussies. All of them.

Agnes seemed to know what you were thinking as she gave you a knowing smirk. However that smirk soon shifted into a behave look. Agnes was familiar with your antics and how far you would go to make a point, so she always took it upon herself to mother you when you needed it.

"I like our campus better." Agnes began

"Are you kidding our campus smells like shit and fish." You retorted.

"But it's nicer. I also heard the teachers here are stricter."

"Whatever." You shrugged it off

By now you two had reached your locker. The school mixed up the boys and girls lockers in attempt to break the self segregated community created by the students.

As you fumbled with the new lock code and Agnes scrolled through her phone, a guy your grade stopped by his locker located right by yours. He took a long look at you as if he had never seen a woman before and it made you uncomfortable.

"What do you want?" You asked politely

The boy suddenly hesitated, as if he forgot what he was about to say and just scoffed to make up for blanking out.

You and Agnes exchanged looks until you spoke up.

"What's your name?"

The boy slowly looked at you, not in a shy manner but more surprised. "Jimin" he replied softly.

You looked him right in the eyes and fake smiled, "Nice to meet you Jimin, I'm Ja-"

"Jane," he stopped you by putting his hand in the air, "I know." With that he sighed and walked away leaving you hanging onto your words.

You turned around to see Agnes' reaction only to see her on the verge of laughter. At your frazzled look Agnes let it out and loud, unpleasant shrieks of laughter rang in the hallway.

"He just left you hanging." Said Agnes still giggling.

"Let's not talk abou-"

"Your face was priceless."

You looked away in embarrassment. Everyone knew who you were here. You were famous for your pranks and rebellious scandals that would keep kids talking the whole year round. While at the girls school you were idolized and appreciated, the boys school had a very contrasting opinion of you. You meant trouble.

Hey loves I hope this cleared it up a bit more. If you are still confused comment what your questions are and I'll try and answer them.

~me <3

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